YouTube- The Mines Teaser Trailer YouTube- The Mines Drive Through Preview The Mines is a racetrack on Sandbox which I have been working on for a few hours in the past two weeks. This'll be quite an experimental map as it's my first racetrack and the first map which I've used ghost merging on. As the name implies, this map takes place inside a network of tunnels in a mine, and will therefore be all enclosed. This should give the map a unique claustrophobic feel to it as there will always be rocks on all sides of you. This map will be released with a gloomy version and one without any filters (as I know some people don't like them), personally I prefer the gloomy, but that's just my opinion. Anyway, here are some pics of what I've done so far (pictures without gloomy on can be found in spoiler): Going down first slope Starting point Into the darkness (The starting area is on the bottom, when you complete a lap you will jump from the top part and start again) Final Bend Pictures without Gloomy on Spoiler Due to the fact that everything's enclosed, this racetrack will be quite small. Whether I include 4 or 8 mongooses in the final version is still undecided, it depends on how much money I have left over and whether or not 8 is too big for the racetrack. This map may be suitable for Battletracks, but it will definately support the normal Racetrack game variant I'll try to update this thread with new pictures each time I build a new part of the map I would say that at the moment this map is around 50% complete, hopefully it'll be finished by the end of the month The Mines is around 80% complete, requiring only cielings + walls for some parts of the track. Thanks for taking the time to read / scroll through pictures :happy: NEW PICS!! 7/2/09 Spoiler Overview so far
Dude, awesome idea! Keep the gloomy filter as it fits the feel of the map. Also, keep the name as what else would it be. Everyone will know what it is. I'm really looking forward to this now, nice job!
1: Keep Gloomey 2: This Map Looks Awesome it looks like it has a claustrophobic feel. keep up the good work, i wanna see the final version and the name aint that bad...
Although effects are usually detrimental to racing maps because they reduce visibility, using them here fits the tunnel like shape of the map. Because it is a tunnel, you might want to add more lights (even killballs give off some light) to show the difference between walls and celing which can be a bit hard in tunnels.
I would set it up for battle tracks. Preferably for Battle Lasers or Battle Shotguns or some **** like that. I'm really looking for to this, and I never look forward to racetracks.
i would say battle tracks with shotguns not lasers since its close quarters. and is the whole map inside the mines. if so i think this will be one of the best track there is if you pull it off. Great job thus far
Looks very interesting. I can't wait to see the final product. Battle Snipes actually works great with close quarter maps like this. I've played a few games of BS on my Orbital map, and although it is different than gameplay on maps with many lines of sight, it still plays well.
This might be the first racetrack that will actually be able to utilize some neat battle track settings. Like raising the damage and sticking the SMG on, just for example. Play around with the starting weapons, you'll find some neat gametypes. Oh, and keep gloomy.
Awesome. Great atmosphere, clean forging (which I realize isn't hard with ghost merging, but it's still important either way) and looks like it's on it's way to be a very popular track. Might I suggest you make some sort of lava pit out of kill balls you have to either jump over or drive a narrow bridge across?
Yes, the whole map will be inside the mines. You will never see the outside on this map, just rock and wooden beams. Wow, you're on almost the exact same wavelength which I was when I designed this map! Before the final bend (pictured in first post) there is in fact a narrow jump across a cavern from one part of a destroyed wooden bridge to another. I've always planned for the cavern to have a black base, so that if you miss the jump (which should be pretty hard to do, it's quite an easy jump to land IMO), it appears as though you are falling down into an endless abyss [you will still die once you reach a certain point down ], rather than using killballs as lava. This uses a similar idea to the one present in my map "The Cave", where if you get knocked off the platform, you are killed, but you land on walls rather than falling all the way down to the Sandbox floor below. In "The Cave" however, the base wasn't very dark, but for this map I've found a new object which is much darker than T-Walls with gloomy on :happy:. I can see the amount of objects I have left to use to complete this track becoming a problem (hopefully not), so I may have to use killballs for the jump section in order to save items but we'll see how things turn out. Thanks everyone for all the responses! I've noticed quite an interest in Battletracks so will try my best to find a suitable weapon for this map and have fun changing a few settings to hopefully make a fun gametype. I'll be looking to have some more pics up in the next few days!
This is actually something I am planning on doing and have been formulating since no-clip glitch's discovery. Except to save resources, my track would be based on the ground terrain and my map would be more cave-like with stalactites and parts that aren't completely enclosed. This idea is intriguing to me, and I'll make sure I DL when you post it.
I've made a teaser trailer for this map and uploaded it to youtube, the full trailer will be released in the next few weeks after I've finished off the map and recorded some gameplay footage. I'm a bit snowed under (no winter pun intended) with work at the moment, so I'll try to finish this map as soon as I can, but it may be a while yet. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it finished off before the end of December. I'll try to update this thread with new screenshots more often as I get closer to finishing it.
Wow, old thread is old. First off, I'd like to apologise for not finishing this map in time for 2010 like I said I would, things came up. I've started working on The Mines again recently and finished the actual track part last week. All that's left for me now to do is to build all the walls and ceilings around it to keep it entirely enclosed. The object limit + budget is getting really tight though, but hopefully I'll be able to finish it. The map is about 80% complete I would say, and I've driven round it far too many times during forging. Having driven round it several times, I'd like to tell anyone who likes racing that this is not an easy ride. I realise this may put some of you off, but you might as well know. The track is not entirely double wide (there are two single wide parts of the map); and has several "bumps" (not bumps as in bumps between poorly merged objects, but larger mound-like bumps in the actual flooring) so for those who like awesome huge double wide maps with great smooth turns and long fields of vision, this map is not for you. This track is a more rugged, tight corners, small spaces, concentrate or you will spin out type map. It involves frequent changing of speed to be executed properly and braking so that you don't crash into the walls, but with a bit of practice you should become fairly quick at getting round it. However, it does have quite a good lap time (or at least I thought so) for such a small track: 25ish seconds. As I've said, this track is almost complete, but I'm not going to say when it should be completed (we all know how well that went last time), and please have a look at the new screenshots in the first part of the thread
That teaser was so epic, it better not disappoint. I'm very intruiged about this map now, I really can't wait for the release. Damn, what a nice teaser...
Be sure to check out the new video of a drive-through of the track! Uncompleted parts have been blurred out. I'd say The Mines is about 85% complete; $125 budget remaining... if I do complete it as I'd like it to look it's gonna be very close!