Hey everyone if you are looking for a challenging puzzle/Obstacle course you came to the right place this map is made for oddball. A great map to play with your friends.(1-4 players only). It is recommended that you play it by yourself. Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
dang three maps in a row. Just a suggestion though if your going to post three maps in row just make it a like a map pack or post one every other day so thet way your not bumping other peoples maps. Which is pretty much what your ding. Like you could have posted the first one and then after this one got viewed and recognized you could post your next one. This way your not bumpipng peoples maps off the front page when they could have stayed there an extra hour or two maybe. But anyway all three look pretty good and somewhat confusing ill dpwnload when i get a chance so i can try them out. Nice job.