Mitochondria B Hello Forge Hub. Welcome to Mitochondria B, my half-arsed attempt to build a decent Competitive map. Due to Reach's launch, this map will most likely never be finished. I started about a month ago, and never really got involved in in making this map. If you wanna hit me up on XBL, I'll be glad to let you adopt this map . Anyways, I wish you all a good forging career, and hope to see you on Reach. Pics Oh, and I do have a LOT of budget left...
Well Killmore, it sucks that you just started, but I really love the middle part. I had an idea similar to this except it was in the crypt with the lights under the floor with cracks to make it seem cool. Anyhow I think you should do this in Reach instead of Halo 3
Thanx broski, but I am not going to remake this in Reach. The point of me building this map was to show others that I am not a complete noob at Halo 3 forge. Reach is.... well it's different. I must admit that this map is a bit too plain. I have better ideas for Reach, much better ideas.... MUHUHUHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA (ignore the evil laugh)