The Lost Chamber

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by rusty eagle, Apr 13, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

    13 vote(s)
  2. Ok

    6 vote(s)
  3. Average

    13 vote(s)
  4. Good

    41 vote(s)
  5. Great

    86 vote(s)
  1. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Well thank you ST, but I fixed my own formatting. If this rubs you guys the wrong way...what can I say? I am not looking for results or inclusion. I know what will likely end up from my free thinking. Other people will start to say similar things and I will likely be banned for my insolence. All over an opinion and an abrasive statement of the obvious.

    From your uber-list, this was the best choice? That's a serious question because I could link to about 10 maps not made by ex-guilders or the parties that follow them that are much better and have been around for a long time.

    I'm just saying...

    I'll quit posting here so I stop pushing down the meaningful 5 word sentences of praise from random people, you can go to my blog or PM me. It is a much more appropriate place to discuss this.

    The Lost Chamber Debacle

    I think you guys are going to have to learn to deal with people not thinking like you do.
  2. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    FH feature threads are starting to look like the threads of maps on Bungie's Favorites. All people do is complain and ask why their map hasn't been featured. Map aesthetics isn't always everything and it's the gameplay that takes priority in some cases. I don't believe when I finally start to phase myself back into the website that I immediately am attacked by the mongers who use to call the Bungie forums home.

    FH was meant to be a retreat from the hell many users call the Bungie forums. It was an organized attempt for me to showcase my maps to the community and receive feedback and suggestions in return. Eventually I fanned the website out and allowed other skilled map makers to showcase their maps too. Eventually the staff and I decided to phase that out all together and focus completely on community maps. Of course their will always be people that make better maps than others so their maps will be featured more often.

    I find it odd that the community has sunk to such a level as to completely tear apart the individual who brought them this oasis. None of this had to ever have developed in this manner. I could have kept Forge Hub a wordpress blog and only have posted my new maps and developments. I enjoy helping others though so I chose to post forging tutorials and help the community out by spread Forge Hub's wings. Now what currently stands is my growing child.

    I am sorry that I (founder of FH) decided to post one of my older unreleased maps. I am not entitled to it or anything right? My staff and I are just peasants laboring for the community for nothing in return. I mean did you see my last paycheck from FH this month? It was a whopping -$30. Now some of our other staff have paychecks around -$100, but I won't go there. The staff puts money into this site to keep it afloat and to assist the community. The least you can do is respect us and allow us to have our spot in the lime light on occasion. Unless of course you want us to stop accepting our negative valued paychecks from our employer, no one.

    Also I would like this time to say even Bungie features their own crappy maps on Bungie Favorite's on occasion. It's just one of the perks of the job. Your argument is along the lines of "How come Bungie gets recon armor and I don't?" They made the games and you didn't. End of story. If you want recon armor or your map featured it might help for you to help the community out instead of hindering it with this rubbish.

    Currently I am fairly inactive as far as the site and forging go. As for the future this could remain until I see an attitude improvement in the community.

    *End Rant*
  3. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    and you're ugly
  4. furbyxxx

    furbyxxx Ancient
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    very origanal
  5. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    He owns the site, and decides what gets featured. The featured maps are a way for the staff to show what maps they like, obviously they will like the maps they've made, so this qualifies for a featured map. Obviously, you've seen the map, of you think you'll like it download, if not, don't. If you'd like you can post one comment saying you don't like it, then there shouldn't be a problem. There's really no reason to argue about who likes/dislikes it, and why. People are free to suck up to whoever they want if they want to; and I'm sure at least some of them probably genuinely enjoy it too. Personally, I don't like this map, it felt a little to basic and not really exciting to me, but that's simply my opinion, feel free to comment on it how you'd like. There have been many featured maps I've found boring, and other's I thought were really cool. I'm sure other people probably have different opinions about these maps, and that's great, we don't all need to like the same thing.
    Penguinish likes this.
  6. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Now that is a really good comment. Thank you Gravedigger. Everyone can learn some posting etiquette from GD here.
  7. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Well no. I didn't even download this map even though Sarge and TDF made it. I just stumbled into a game one night while it was playing. It is a rehashed concept that you see as inferior to other more worthy maps. Your fury must be terrible, I understand. The only way I know how to express this map is pure joy. I've had so many laughs on this map.

    I don't frequent the forums so I can not speak from experience on the quantity of these maps, but if you can show me a much better example of this style of gameplay I will be most grateful. I'm sorry this Forge Hub experience wasn't pleasant for you, in the future you can rate threads and that will give us a better idea on what to feature.

    I disapprove of almost everything in this thread. Staff and members alike. :\

    Back to the drawing board, I'll think of a more effective way to run the featured section.
  8. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Ok, so some of you think that there is a favorites game being played right? Yeah,I have to hand it you,you are probly spot on,but who cares?

    Lets put it this way:
    This is a site dedicated to Forging maps in a video game,it really isn't the be all end all of your life is it? I hope not.

    Trust me, I can relate. Yeah I want one of my maps featured too because it would be cool and probably feel pretty good. You have to have talent in a field to be noticed right? And when you have talent and get noticed it feels good right?

    So do just that. Make a map that can't be ignored and problems like this will rarely present themselves. It's all in your hands.
    I say we all should get back to Forging and create something that will make everybody forget about this little argument and this map forever.

    Besides,in all honesty if you owned the site,wouldn't you hook your buddies up too?
    #68 Creeping Death, Apr 14, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008
  9. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Actually, I can't rate the thread. That option was removed after the first rating.

    I don't want my maps featured, it makes no difference to me. But there are some that should have been a long time ago. That is my point.
    #69 Atheos23, Apr 14, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008
  10. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    So sorry TDF. I was just voicing a concern of mine, and I never wanted it to go this way. Being an admin for another group is really teaching me how incredibly hard it must be for you guys, and when you try to take a little perk all of a sudden the people you've been working so hard for turn on you.

    Thanks much for the community away from bnet. I have found a few friends here, and had a lot of fun as well.
  11. superguh007

    superguh007 Ancient
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    Welcome to the interwebz, Atheos. Agreed, there are upwards of 40 people using ForgeHub that could have taken this idea and lined all the walls up perfectly straight. Agreed, this particular version got featured because it has name recognition. So what? Even if featuring was some totally unbiased system wherein the staff could measure community enjoyment as an integer, this map would still have reached that integer qualification faster than other maps, because people want to play games with Sarge and TDF: Sarge and TDF have proven themselves able to deliver quality gameplay.

    Your observations are accurate, but your reaction is misguided. This fight has been played out countless times before (my reference: NUMA). It is an exercise in futility. Those that founded the site or have shown dedication to the site will inevitably see better results than newcomers. The appropriate response is not to suck up to the better-known members, but neither is it to harshly criticize said members for being favored. The appropriate response is to have patience, contribute to the community, and continually produce maps that (as Creep1ng De4th said) cannot be ignored. Eventually, those that deserve to be favored (and in this case, featured) will be.

    ForgeHub has done nothing if not try to make a site that separates the good maps from the bad. Out of all the websites I've visited, this one's staff is the most welcoming and unbiased. Give them credit for trying, and help out by not posting the kind of accusations that kill their desire to continue trying.

    As for the map: I'll download it and try out the game with my friends. Obviously, the map looks really well done. I think it would have been interesting, though, if you hadn't made the floor of the maze flat (I don't mean like multiple levels, just tiny little hills). Especially given the backstory, it would have been cool to see a little more of an organic feel in parts of the map. Maybe have one side of the map use entirely the bottom of boxes with an uneven (not hard to walk on, just not flat) floor to make it feel like it's carved out of a mountain? Although I guess some of the gameplay is dependent on everyone being totally lost all the time, so visual IDs could be bad in this case.
    One question: is there a time limit? 'Cuz one-life games can get kinda boring sometimes when the living people chase each other in circles.
    Good job overall. It sounds fun, and I can't wait to try it out.
    TrueDarkFusion and squidhands like this.
  12. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    thanks for that Superguh

    anywho, we wanted to make a big maze whilst keeping it covered as to contribute to the atmosphere of the map, therefore, changing the terrain would prove to be impossible

    and visual markers could've led to people memorizing the map easier... even though this one can be learned, I still find myself getting caught in a dead end, or running around a corner thinking I was following the minotaur
  13. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Furious Speaks

    Before I comment on the discussion, allow me to comment on the map.

    I don't plan to download this map. I don't care for Infection, and it does seem like this idea has been done before. Besides the back story, it's another uber-powerful zombie, lots of weak humans map. That doesn't mean it's a bad map. People generally say that it is a lot of fun. And sometimes, someone can do something that is unoriginal, but they can do it better than the original. Don't base your opinions on a map solely on its originality or lack thereof. I'd be happy to try this map if someone loads it up, but I prefer more traditional competitive maps. But even though it isn't my cup of tea, I'm fine with it getting featured.

    And now let me comment on the discussion. Please trust me when I say that what I say is truthful and unbiased. I hold no allegiance to TDF or any of the other staff. I am thankful for this site, but I won't kiss ass.

    The auto-feature is gone. This was first posted in mini-games. We discuss which maps are to be featured. It's true that this map was featured far faster than average. That probably is due to who created it, but it does seem like the people who have played the game enjoy the game.

    Whether or not it was a bad feature choice is a matter of opinion. No one will like all the featured maps, and no featured map will be liked by everyone. You are free to dislike the map, but just because you don't like it, doesn't mean that it was a bad choice for us to feature it.

    And I for one welcome minority opinions. I don't want this site to become oppressive or cliquey. I prefer honest comments about a map, even if they are unpopular opinions, over the blind praise of some of the people on this site.

    On the subject of TrueDarkFusion, I don't personally think that he should be able to pop in and out of the site and feature whichever maps he wishes. It's true that he created the site and did a lot to protect it and direct it. But what have you done for me lately? That said, I totally respect his opinion about the quality of a map. He has made some good maps (and some bad ones) but when he says something is good I take his word for it.

    At the end of the day, everyone has different tastes. And although we make an effort for the Featured Maps to reflect the tastes of the whole community, the individual tastes of the Staff are bound to creep in. And we're not too worried about it. After all, several of us have put in an incredible amount of time (and in some cases some money too). We want some perks for the job we do, and choosing the feature our favorites is one of the perks.
    #73 Furious D 18, Apr 14, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008
  14. ChamorroBoy

    ChamorroBoy Ancient
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    Absolutely amazing map
  15. Perfectdarkl33t

    Perfectdarkl33t Ancient
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    This map is really fun when people are hopelessly firing their pistols at the zombie in a futile attempt.
  16. Nacidous

    Nacidous Ancient
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    I think this map is very interesting, especially with the actual mythology tied in. However, I was wondering if this was made as a sort of tribute to Bungie's old game 'Minotaur: The Labyrinths of Crete'?

    P.S. the 'Minotaur' game was prolly released before Bungie was actually named Bungie.
  17. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    From here on out, only posts about the map please before I hand out infractions. Tbh I don't know why it's gone on this long. If you have any discrepancies bring it up in the suggestion forum.
  18. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
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    Can the minotaur hit people through walls?
  19. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Yes, yes he can. Due to the low amount of health the non-infected players have he can sometimes swing intentionally at players that are right next to the wall. It does make for some heavy laughter.
  20. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
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    Wow...I don't really enjoy games where everybody only has one gets real boring real fast if you die early, but this one has 3 minute rounds, so this isn't that bad actually.

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