The Looking Glass

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AtlasIsShruggin, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    The Looking Glass is a map that tries to create a different gameplay experience. The biggest problem with trying something new is how gimicky it can be if not implemented effectively and as a compliment to a competitive experience rather than something that distracts from it. I've put well over 40 hours trying to make sure that the map feels like a competitive map.

    The Looking Glass uses a roof that implements the one way shield trick commonly found in zip lines in other gametype based maps. The difference being that at a 90 degree, horizontal angle it allows the player to use the roof as a different way to move around the map. There are four entrances to the ceiling, One in each base located on the second floor and two on opposite sides of the middle. There are 6 exits from the ceiling two on each side of both Pyramid structures and one one each side that puts you on the second floor of each base. This insures that the roof has two purposes, a strategic purpose and a way to travel to each base. This is one way I make sure that the ceiling feels part of the competitive experience, it has more than one practical purpose.

    The other way I made the ceiling feel part of the map is an extreme attention to detail in making sure the ceiling allows gameplay to flow normally as in any other map. The ceiling was redone numerous times using 4x4 blocks, the bottom of bridges, 2x2 steep ramps, and finally experimenting with different patterns of colliseum walls. The effort was well worth it, the ceiling is so smooth and easy to navigate it has to be played to be believed! I also was constantly testing to be sure a player can use all the tools normally at his disposal. You can still headshot a player hanging from the ceiling and even perform as assassination!

    I used one more interesting feature to make the map feel even more unique, the inclusion of The Looking Glass. If you look at the bottom middle of the map you will see a drop down that ends in glass. When you jump in you 'pass' through the glass and fall from the top of the map. You move up when you feel like you should move down. It's another great effect that should be played to see the care and precision to make this map unique. Another way up to the top middle (Which is the location of the concussion rifle spawn) is to use the satellites that provide cover between the ceiling and floor of the map to walk up to the top middle (Placed at 30 degree angle).

    Aesthetically I also placed falling playing cards on the walls to further the Alice in Wonderland feel.

    My friends can't get enough of this map and I hope you enjoy it too!

    You Shouldn't Go Chasing Rabbits... Sometimes There Is No Way Back Through The Looking Glass 4-8 Players




    #1 AtlasIsShruggin, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  2. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Whats this? my name isnt in the special thanks or testers list? I am deeply offended by your neglegence andn-appreciation. You, sir, have just lost yourself a download.

    (loljkjk, loved the magnet ceiling and aesthetics, but the teleporter for the tower can be quite disorientating. I also recommend you lose the magnets by the tower for ceiling assault.)
  3. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Wow finally something creative. The whole one way shield door tenchnique is nothing new, but I think that you've done a great job of incorpaprating it into a competitive map. I seems that four drop out point is a good number of exits. As for the rest of the map I like the blocks with the "gears" on them. Thats a nice little aesthetic touch. So is the lights you added they definitely boost the map. I think the middle structure looks great and the teleporter is interesting but apears it could be a little too hectic. The entire map seems to be smooth and well forged but the glass box at each bases looks good from the outside but terrible from the inside of the bases. If you wanted to keep the glass you should switch it out for an object called cover glass. If not you could just build something out of blocks. Either way you need to fix that in order to obtain a better map. Anyways, Nice job on everything else, I love the map. You've earned a DL

    <3 Squidman
  4. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think there were way too many people playing ths map when we played it. Anyways, gameplay was fun and interesting. The use of one way shields was very creative and different- It really made gameplay more interesting and you never know if death will come from above or on the ground- Suspenseful yet exciting. The middle is really unique, probably one of the better center-pieces I've seen and it really makes the map stick out. This map has a lot of creativity and uniqueness that I would really like to get another game on it, but with less people. Great work my friend.
  5. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    i remember testing this aswell.. and my brother kept killing us when you were giving a tour. its a very cool i dea and i love the pit teleporter. i also like the playing cards that are on the back wall.. it only there was a way to make them more card looking... anyway, keep up the good forging!
  6. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nice to see this is done man, this is probably my favorite map you have made. I hope the ceiling plays well, those side drops still seem a little small and difficult to notice, especially from a first time perspective with no one there to show you. Great job once again!
  7. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Ah! I knew I would miss someone! Sorry Equinox, I did not do my best at keeping up with everyone who helped out... My Live Friends list went from two forgehub friends to close to 40 while making this map, and I started to lose track of everyone who took a look and offered advice.... I promise to keep better track for my next map...

    Thanks Squidman! There was actually two glass bases in the bottom at one point and it created a a really cool X shape in the bottom... It just got a bit to claustrophobic at times I have to say I personally like how it is now, All the sides have entrances that are easily defended but with five entrances its hard to defend them all which gives the ceiling greater use and makes it extremely enjoyable to defend when playing objective games, I think aesthetically it must be an eye of the beholder thing because I love it, anyway thanks for the download and I hope you enjoy the map!

    Thanks Eightball! Testing the map really showed me how many players the map is good for and your right 4v4 can get a bit chaotic (Not that a little chaos now and then isn't fun) But for a good competitive experience 3v3 should be the max. Thanks for all your help and I hope to have something new to show you soon :)

    AHH! Someone else I forgot to thank! Anyways Thank you for taking a look at the map and no worries about your brother it happens.

    Thanks! I really appreciate the advice to add the extra man cannons, without them it would not be the map it is. I think the ceiling is something a player should explore before playing competitively to figure out the exits and how the movement works (Kind of like swimming) But your right it can be hard to notice, it seems 50/50 on the players that immediately notice it so I made sure to put it in the description. Thanks again! And thanks for Tuscan... still playing the hell out of that map :)
  8. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Dude that's messed up, lol. Fighting when your head is stuck to the ceiling is hilarious.

    I like the look of this map. It's probably my favorite asthetically out of your maps. (besides the wicked hand in your other map) The shape is pretty basic and it seems to have good playability. I would love to see you progress down this route of map style. (and I don't mean a series of sticky roofs :)

    (how's this next thing funny?)
    What's funny is I found that same head slide ages ago and I tried to figure a way to incorperate it into a map but then never did. I had showed Jolan a while back and he wanted to do something with it as well.

    I should mention to you that a couple of your decorative 2x3's or whatever have minor z fighting. Can't remember which ones, sorry

    Thx for this
    #8 Preacher001, Jun 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2011
  9. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    sweet man! i got in the special thanks! lol, nice map, this was great from the start. keep up the great ideas! oh, and also, congrats on Rhem. that's ought to be a real honor to be on the bungie homepage.
  10. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Thanks guys! Preacher would you mind expanding on what you mean by this style of map? Do you mean enclosed symmetrical, or something completely different?
  11. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Probably not the best time for me to reply to this as my head is filled with a potential passing of a family friend, but lets see if I can focus enough to give a hint.

    I guess I would say I like that it's smaller and tighter than the other maps you've constructed (or at least feels that way). I like the simplicity of the pieces without the overwhelming repeatative feeling you can get when playing a map that leaves you wondering, "am I looking at the ceiling or floor." I like the effort that have gone into asthetics, both the ones that subtly come into game play and the others that are purely visual that don't affect anything. I don't know what to think about the big thingy's around the center map map I do like the drop down teleport. It feels good and is fun to use.

    I appologize if this just comes out as one big blah...

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