This is proboly a 2/5 map it was just somethin thrown together just to post it. "ATTENTION... ATTENTION PLEASE THERE IS A MINOR DIESEAsE SPREADIG THROUGH THe BUILDING. DO NOT WORRY IT IS NOT BAD AT ALL........... WHY HELLO THERE......*CRUNCH*......... AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! MY BLOOD IS GUSHING OUT...... SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!" after thirty seconds into the game you can step on the custom powerup for a bridge to appear. The humans spawn with 2 maulers and a turret but don't think you can hold them off with that. Here's a longhallway to try and hold him off. zombies spawn here. unfortaatly my i cant get the othere pics for some reason... Gametype is like omega but no hops for anyone. Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
seems pretty nice. I like how it isn't sloppy and how it isn't a boring map. i will give it a 3/5 for making it an easy to make map
i think you could make it longer, and maybe some better rooms with more chaLLENGES, SO HOW MUICH HEALTH DO THEY HAVE, IS IT LIKE fat kid. my bad for caps bro, accident.
i like that bridge that you grab the power up and it shoots out i dont like the fact you just threw stuff together just to post it. make a good map where you can show your true skills.