The Line: The Line SLOGAN/SHORT DESCRIPTION Download Map Here Gametypes Team Slayer CTF Description: This map is very unique because you are forced to go to the middle of the map (Hence The Line) because Power weapons are located there. Also height advantage. Also there are shields. The line separates you and your opponent, but it also brings you together Weapons on Map On Each Side: 1 Sniper Rifle 2 Battle Rifles 1 Brute Shot In the Middle (on top): 1 Rocket Launcher 2 Plasma Cannons In the Middle (on bottom): 1 Beam Rifle 1 Sword Extras: Grenades on the sides, to throw over the line as the other team Grenades include- firebomb (4 on each side), Plasma grenades, and frag grenades
Looking like a good, playable map. Try adding a weapon list and more pictures the map (like the other side).
A word of advice, i know this is a casual map but the rules of competative gaming still loosely apply to your map. Im sorry to say that i do not think you captured the simple 'less is more' feel, and you seriously need to add some more scenery. Also your idea of having the powerweapons with the height advantage is very flawed. You could spawn camp for the entire game. Highground is meant to be a weaker location, and power weapons shouldn't be placed in a location that they excel in. Also i noticed that you used the Griffball map, and you didnt even move the spawn points...
Me and my friends have lots of fun playing these maps p.s. you might have not noticed but a man cannon is on each side that shoots you into a single box (open) which contains camo sniper and sword I should have showed you that in my pictures
looks simple yet good, it would be amazing with like a br mauler starting weapons, im dling right now
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looks like overdone like alot of weaons gernades nd everything.nice idea i edited grifball court 2 but just fix the weapon problem and maybe with the boxs bridges and stairs u could interlock
There are a lot of things wrong with this map.I agree with matty where he says u used the griifall map and didnt even move the spawns.I agree with everyone else that u didnt put much effort or thought.Wouldnt u say that hight is too much of an advantage cuz because players do not spawn behind cover therefore making it easy to spawn think that the overshields will even out the rockets when overshields have to regenerate and when u get hit while it regenerates u take no damage.I see no reason foor the trap mine because your in an open are anybody can see it.overshields also do not evenout nades either especially flames.Then you put 2 turrets.@ didnt you ever think that will make it easier for them to spawn kill. But i understand your apparently new to forge send me a friend request and ill show you some stuff
It makes more interesting with OS (and yes i do no there is shield charge first) It makes it more interesting A man cannon can be used as an escape Also even though you get height there is alot of distance
eh. too plain. might be fun if you take out the guns and play grifball rules... but sry it doesnt have my dl