The lighthouse

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by F22ave, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. F22ave

    F22ave Ancient
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    Itcamefromthesea on The Lighthouse

    Well this is my first map to be posted on forgehub

    My map is called It came from the sea on the lighthouse
    Created by:F22ave
    assisted by:o sirius o
    Really whats going on is you come across a abandoned lighthouse that is torn apart and when you get there creatures start crwling out from the sea try to fight off the zombies for long enough til help arrives (which it never does, so your hopeless)

    Basically Theres a lighthouse which is where the human spawns
    and theres a beach where the zombie spawns

    Sentinel beam
    flame bombs
    and bubbleshield

    Light house during day

    Lighthouse during dusk

    Light house during night

    The beach(where zombie spawns)


    Human spawn

    Zombie spawn


    There you have it I know the pictures are not that good but try it out it is really fun
    please dont try to steal my map i've had some little kid do that before I have a video to prove I made the map

    Map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details

    I would like any comments you have good or bad

    Have fun!

    P.s Humans are not able to camp because there is an entrance from the top of the house or back
    #1 F22ave, Aug 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  2. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    It looks good....but thats form what I can see. Which is hardly anything from the size of the screenshots. But thats ok if there sorted out soon.
    Looks very interesting and Well made (i think)
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    1) I would try making the pictures bigger because I can barely see a thing. If you are using Photobucket, you can adjust the size of the pictures by clicking a link near the Upload button.

    2) The map- from what I can see, the lighthouse looks really good, but the only problem is that you may have made the game too easy for the humans- by making 1 single road into 1 entrance of the house. That leads to camping, which leads to pissed off zombies, which leads to quitting, which leads to a bad game to play. Try making more ways into the lighthouse and add multiple roads leading to the lighthouse.
  4. F22ave

    F22ave Ancient
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    No the zombies can also enter from the back an top of the house its just the pictures

    I have bigger pictures now
  5. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    It looks good, very good. Now, I've seen the "power going out" dozens of times, but your day to dusk to night with improved lighting is revolutionary. I come to you with some advice to make this a better map with a V2. First of all, the game is called "It came from the Sea." But I don't see a sea. So it'd really help if you could just add a couple of shield doors outlining the zombie's path because that would add so much aesthetically. Furthermore, when I think of sea monster, I think of the creature of the Black Lagoon. So what would be great was if this was a more fat-kid-ish type game where there is only one alpha zombie that is green but slow with tons of damage resistance, and the people he infects would be quicker, weaker, but blue. But this would not be as extreme in the speed/damage resistance as the true fat kid gametype, it would just remind one of that. If you could do all that (which is alot to ask for, I know), then you would be sure to get more positive replies and downloads.
  6. sonofnight94

    sonofnight94 Ancient
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    Really good lighthouse, really bad zombie spawn. But, not to worry, I haz tips!

    1) Make an established non-campable zombie spawn area, actually make several. With your current layout, several humans could just walk to each area and spawn camp (dempending on your game size)

    2) Put your several spawn area's all around the lighthouse, and have at least 4 or 5 entrances (again depending on how big your customs usually are)
    This makes it harder for human to camp the entrances.

    3) Make the lighthouse somewhat bigger. This allows for effective weapon placement and, if you can do it right, a CoD zombie style block-off so you have to wait to get better weapons.

    4) As an aescthetic tip, do not use walls as a floor in the skybox. Every new round, a wall's x-axis resets when in the skybox, and it causes too many bumps.

    Now, I'm not saying you neccesarily need to follow my suggestions, as they are just suggestions, but your map has the potential to be absolutely fantastic and I personally don't want to see such a good map go to waste.

    2/5 and I hope to see a version 2.
  7. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    For the v2 you could build more of an island, with maybe a cliff with the lighthouse on it?? I like this one alot though, very original especially with the effects.
  8. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    It seems you have a good design yet didn't complete your thought. Here are my takes.

    The lighthouse is dead nasty so props to that however the map you play on is lacking some. Your terrain is only single double walls and nothing more. I f you throw a grenade your dead. Its uneven. Make the ground a very large piece of ground or maybe add barriers. Other than the lighthouse the other structures and awful. Be creative! Use your imagination. Impossible can be possible in forge! Make a enclosed room and after some time a gravity lift spawns and the zombie can pop out while the humans have time to hide if there aren't spots to camp. There aren't any so far being no terrain. These are all suggestions but it needs work.

    Good map and I look forward to a V2 but for now 3/5 because it does need work.
  9. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    + Lighthouse looks cool, especially when its dark
    + I like anything to do with water so you earned bonus points there :)

    - Spawns where awful for the zombies
    - No time limit or number of lives, how are the humans suppost to win?

    Make a V2 and
    1. Fix the zombie spawn
    2. make the map a little bigger if you have enough items/money
    3. Time limit or number of lives

    Score: 4/10

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