The Library

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Hadokenchild, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    This issue was already forewarned in my original post. Though in testing a group of 12 didn't seem to lag that much surprisingly.

    The only other place I could put weapons is out in open space between the "feet". I felt that anyone trying to go for a weapon here would be screwed if they started getting shot at since there's no cover at these points. As for the spawns, I was only spawn killed once during testing with the larger group of 12. And that was only cus I spawned on the center platform amidst a particularly nasty firefight. Hopefully the SnS recap video can shed some light on this.

    Yeah I wish I could've had more hills but I hit the item limit so I had to make due with just 2. Most of the gametypes supported do use the rest of the map. Still with the exception of the rocket launcher, all of the power weapons, power ups, and equipment are placed around the perimeter of the map so these areas should be getting some sort of traffic even for KOTH.

    Thanks again for the constructive comments.
  2. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    This is really good, but I would take out the sentential beam, it did not work good on the map for me, I like everything other than that, great map! 4/5

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