The Legend of Ra

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Aftershock 10, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    Legend of Ra
    Created by "aAftershock"

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    This is the sequel to my map Kingdom of Ra. After getting feedback from that map, I knew I could make an even better adventure puzzle that everybody could enjoy. My goal for this map was to make a map that everybody can play and enjoy, but one that is not easy to make it to the end. This means that you do not need to be a puzzle master to make progress, the challenges are not frustrating at all, and they are all fun to do. The traps are interesting and varied but easy to avoid once you know they're there, so you won't keep killing yourself by accident. The map is more linear than Kingdom of Ra, so you have a clear idea of when you are progressing and what you are trying to do next, so you won't be stuck wondering what you have to try and do.

    The map begins on the surface, which is where the oddball is located, but the majority of the map is in the crypt, and the goal is to make your way further and further downwards. You must continue until you reach the bottom of the crypt, at which point you must find a way to take the items that you need up to the surface again to reach the oddball.

    You have 3 lives. All of the traps will kill you in one, and some of the challenges require perilous and risky moves, so be aware of how much you have died.

    Important Knowledge

    As I said, anybody can play this map, which means there are virtually no glitches, everything is used in a way that makes sense, as long as you are observant and think about what you are doing. However, these are a few things you need to know.
    • The sniper enables you to reach further than normal.
    • The sword gives you even longer reach than the sniper.
    • Regenerators can interact with things inside objects.
    • The custom powerup in this map gives you 300% speed.


    Your goal is to reach the Legendary Treasure of Ra (the oddball), by exploring the ancient temple, avoiding the traps and solving the puzzles.

    Extra Objectives

    Find all 6 hidden battle rifles.
    Complete the map without setting off as many traps as possible.
    Reach the end of the map without dying once.


    • 5 unique sections, as you progress, the challenges become harder and more complex.

      [*]Puzzles that anybody will be able to complete, even if you have never played puzzle maps before, since almost everything is used in a way that makes sense. Nevertheless, it should still be a challenge for more experienced puzzle solvers to make it all the way to the end.

      [*]You can complete this puzzle with as many people as you want. More people may only make some of the jumps easier, you will still have to complete all the challenges. Also it's often fun watching your friends being unsuspectingly killed by a trap you knew was there :D.

      [*]There are 6 battles rifles hidden throughout the map, if you want an extra challenge, try and find and reach them all.

      [*]New and interesting traps. I have tried to come up with ideas for traps that will keep you on your toes, some you might think you know where they are, some will take you completely by surprise, others will just make you laugh at the fact you didn't expect them.

      [*]Awesome aesthetics. I have tried to make this feel as epic an adventure as possible, you will really feel like you are venturing inside the crypt of an ancient temple.

      [*]No way to get stuck. There will always be a way out of any of the rooms you find yourself in, you should never have to end the game because you are stuck.


    Looking down on to the temple (Yes, you can drive the warthogs this time!)

    Entering the temple

    As you drop down the hole

    Part of the first section

    Across the pit of doom

    An area in the second section

    Some of the third section

    Part of the largest area in the map

    Down the rabbit hole...

    More of the largest area

    Ooh a mongoose...

    The fifth and final section


    Special Thanks
    Mander - Many Suggestions and Testing
    Creech - Testing
    Tech - Testing
    ActualGlory - Testing

    This is my swansong in halo 3 forging, and in my opinion, it is by far and beyond my best map yet, so I hope you all like it!

    Download Map
    Download Gametype

    #1 Aftershock 10, Aug 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  2. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    I have absolutely nothing but love for this series it is by far my favorite of all puzzles mainly because i like watching other die infront of me. :D and then i die right after the XD but your maps are usually awesome and will download as soon as im able nice work on your previous maps this map will prolly be awesome wish me and friends the best of luck.
  3. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Aftershock, this map is freaking amazing, and is definitely an indication of what the future of puzzles may be. I thought Kingdom of Ra was good, but this one feels much more epic, with more interesting challenges, and a better variety in traps. This map is a refined and polished version of your idea for the Ra series, and makes one hell of a swan song to your Halo 3 maps.
    I had some criticism for the first finished version, but you fixed all the small things that irked me, and now I am left with nothing negative to say. Great job man, and I'm glad to have helped in any way.
  4. Ik ben een vis

    Ik ben een vis Forerunner

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    Waw, i just played it, and its freaking amazing. Its good forged, fun and very difficult.
    I am still playing it, but i'm out of lives. hehe.
    I am not far yet, not far at all. But i'm already loving it.
    Good job.
  5. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    Yeah i DL'd and i cant get past the third section haha
    Great map so far I WILL finish it today cause 1. I have nothing better to do 2. My life wont be complete if i dont. Great puzzle this is the first I have ever Dl'd
  6. BurnNSky

    BurnNSky Forerunner

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    I've always loved these _____ of Ra maps :) I've seen so many similar maps just fill up with traps you can easily see and puzzles that are so complex, that the only way to solve them is to already know how. This map, however, is actually composed of some legitimate puzzles. One thing though. There are some traps that are impossible to see coming. While it can be fun to see your friends walk into traps, it can also be frustrating considering the one life system used in the gametype. It's still a great map, but I hate getting killed by something that is impossible to see, unless you already know it's there.
    #6 BurnNSky, Aug 25, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  7. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    Some of them are quite hidden, but none of them are completely hidden, there is always some object they are based off, so you can't walk into any by accident. However, I did take this into consideration from my last map, so you'll find that you have 3 lives this time round, so you can die twice and still complete the map :)
  8. idontseeit

    idontseeit Forerunner

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    Great map man. As always your maps are extremely challenging and have my head spinning for days. For this one I'm stumped and have barely made it past the first couple of traps.
  9. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    Ok i really, dont get this map... I got the sword and found a route to the mid level of sandbox... after that theres nothing you can do with the sword... i have checked around any corners... and am i supposed to get to the oddball?
    #9 jorgecb565, Aug 25, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  10. The Molemyster

    The Molemyster Ancient
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    I LOVE it! I have always been a fan of these "of Ra" maps, and this is a very good map to end your halo 3 foring on. PLEASE make more on Reach, please?
  11. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    I now have made a walkthrough video that I can show to people. If I'm online, message me and I might be able to show it to you, and I will probably also put it on my fileshare after a while. :)
  12. ThisIsEdg3

    ThisIsEdg3 Forerunner

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    Another incredible map in the Ra series from Aftershock. Very difficult!!!

    Also If you haven't tried out his other maps by now, do it. I watched a walk-through of one and it blew my mind.
  13. PWNAGEStudioz

    PWNAGEStudioz Forerunner

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    Should I be in forge mode to find the hidden brs?

    By the way, great map! Love your traps and aesthetics!
  14. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No you don't have to be in forge mode.
    You can get all 6 of the BRs while playing the gametype, but I won't blame you trying to look for them in forge lol. You should be trying to get them when playing the gametype tho :).

    If you manage to find all of them, I would love to see a video :)
  15. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Legend of Ra


    Legend of Ra is the sequel to the ever popular Kingdom of Ra that was featured on Forge Hub some months ago. All challenges take place in the crypt of Sandbox where the player must work their way down a tower of terror and then work their way back up to claim the oddball residing at the top of the beginning. As one gradually proceeds downward, a vanguard of increasingly heinous traps will spring about and catch players off guard. Much of the fun in this map come from cautiously investigating an area believed to herald a trap when something in plain sight suddenly becomes a weapon of mass destruction, or better yet when a player falls into a trap that doesn’t kill them but puzzles them to no end. Of course the main experience of Legend of Ra is finding the tools needed in the right order, and don’t think that just because you see something means that you can get to it. That energy sword that sits just out of reach at the very beginning is a perfect example of what I mean. So just because something isn’t immediately accessible doesn’t mean the map is broken because it’s not. Just find what you need using the hints given in the map’s thread and a little ingenuity to get that precious prize made of carbon and rotted gray matter.

    Now, let’s get down to business. This is where comparisons between Kingdom of Ra (not this map) and Legend of Ra (the map I’ve been talking about) start to come into play. The most noticeable difference between Legend of Ra and the former is that it’s noticeably harder. That may not seem true for the first few challenges, but soon after the player gets that custom power-up a lot of the challenges become about timing and jumping ability. It’s definitely appreciable that the sequel is harder than the first but an admirable trait about Kingdom of Ra was the fact that jumping skill wasn’t necessarily required to solve the challenges. In legend of Ra, by about the fourth challenge if you don’t jump correctly you fall into (or get teleported into) a kill ball. Another thing that was useful in Kingdom of Ra was the circular layout of the map. That made getting to certain parts of the map less tedious especially if the player already knew what needed to be done and could just bypass certain things just to get where they needed to be. In Legend of Ra however, you have given the player 3 lives to work with which solves the frustration of traps resetting every time the player gets a game over. The issue with this however is that no matter where a player dies they are cast all the way back to the beginning forcing them to do several of the challenges over again. This may seem like a pointless gesture. If the player already figured out the challenge once, why can’t they do it again? Well the answer to that goes back to the ability to die from timing or jumping mistakes. Sure being able to breeze through known challenges to get to an unknown point is simple, but it easily becomes annoying when known challenges have to be repeated over and over and over again just because the player just can’t jump at the right moment or at the right angle or (in the case of the gravity lift bridge) an object despawns causing death. The constant repetitions of having to do simple things x amount of times eventually makes the player lose the drive to complete the puzzle.

    This is not to say that the drive to complete this map is not present. In fact the need to merely find out what the next challenge presents is enough to keep a player hooked to this map. A very negative thing about many puzzles is that they heavily rely on advanced glitches and abilities that much of the community does not know how to do, but Legend of Ra can be completed using mostly common knowledge within Halo, and that makes this puzzle particularly appealing to the casual player who just needs something to break the heavy rush of most of what the Halo experience is.

    Enjoyment: [​IMG]


    When talking about balance in terms of a one player puzzle map it is difficult to pin character traits for anything other than how the environment acts upon them, and in Legend of Ra it is clearly intended by the creator that any environmental effect have mostly devastating results on the players.

    Talking about a puzzle map in the sense of fairness is also awful hard to do without sounding biased, but Kingdom of Ra, in comparison to other puzzles, is nowhere near unfair. All of the challenges are reasonable and for the most part can be completed using a degree of common sense while still introducing logical thinking and a need for an eye to detail all the same time. It is actually all very practical how the creator laid everything out to provide tips and hints within the map itself and when players pick up on those signs then it only increases the aforementioned drive to complete the map. Legend of Ra also has something that many puzzles (sadly) lack: The ability to redo a challenge if it is done wrong without having to commit suicide or restart the map.

    Legend of Ra provides a problem solving experience that is very fair and balanced. It is probably one of the fairest in terms of balancing sheer difficulty and critical thinking.

    Balance: [​IMG]


    After beating the puzzle the first time I was almost certain this map was unbreakable, but then it was brought to my attention that Legend of Ra is technically breakable in a couple areas and upon trying those proposed breaks they proved true (at least with the version of the map I played). The kill ball room where the player is supposed to obtain a custom power-up can be surpassed by timing a jump perfectly to get to the other side therefore cutting two challenges out of the equation.

    Considering I’m not sure how the last challenge was supposed to be done I can’t really assert if it was breakable or not, but I was able to use the chopper at the back of the entrance and then the angled structure at the front to jump to the top of the building then approach the oddball from behind. Correct me if this is how the final challenge should be done.

    Other than those discontinuities the rest of the challenges on Legend of Ra are solid and unbreakable and considering the nature of the map it is almost pointless to exploit the one confirmed break when it is almost easier to just do the challenges normally so if in the event the player dies (and they will) they can easily get across without worrying about perfectly timed jumps and wasting those few precious lives.

    Durability: [​IMG]


    One of the most admirable traits about Legend of Ra is the flawless integration of playability and aesthetics. Many puzzle maps have to make sacrifices in the aesthetics department to satisfy certain challenges, but Legend of Ra breaks the mold by essentially molding itself into an unbelievably believable adventurist puzzle map that definitely has a very Indiana Jones feel to it. From the moment the player steps foot into the beautiful entrance structure all the way down to the fiery looking bottom of the map and everything in between the forging is exceptionally awesome. There are no areas that feel unnecessarily clustered or too open alternatively, and all resources in Legend of Ra are used creatively and create an environment that feels very much like an aesthetically based competitive map.

    Another comparative between Legend of Ra and its predecessor is the use of aesthetics as minute hints that while they seem very trivial at times can be the biggest of help when the player seems helplessly stuck. Mind you these hints get progressively scarce as the map goes on, but that is only to add to the difficulty I’d presume. Either way, these aesthetic pointers are an astound subtlety that can help any player with a hint of wit and a smidge of cleverness progress smoothly into this sandstone menace.

    This is not to say that certain areas of the map had some bland spots. The very bottom level mentioned the fiery area earlier feels somewhat bland, and the room just as the player enters the crypt always feels like something more should be in there.
    Needless to say, a fair amount of time playing this map will be ogling at the structures that simply add to the experience in this epic one player adventure. Just be careful. That pretty thing might kill you. Think of a fly and a bug-zapper.

    Aesthetics: [​IMG]


    Legend of Ra has a problem solving appeal to it that anyone can approach. The player doesn’t have to know any special glitches and the challenges are doable to anyone with a fair amount of common sense. However, since Legend of Ra is the sequel to Kingdom of Ra it has to be treated as such, and despite the fact that Legend of Ra is harder than its predecessor a lot of the same flow patterns are seen in this level, and it also feels like a few of the challenges/tricks were reformed and rehashed as well. This being granted that the severely senescent state of Halo 3 Forge is much depleted of anything that can actually be called original in this sense, but actuality aside Legend of Ra offers an experience that any player should take the time to delve into. It is a puzzle that doesn’t send the player into a morbid rage, but it doesn’t send the player into a coma of absolute boredom either. Legend of Ra is that kind of puzzle where someone knows they should be doing something else, but they just have to see what is in that next room (and I am definitely not speaking from personal experience).

    Originality: [​IMG]


    Average Score: 7.4/10

    Final Score:


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