I dununo , I'm pretty confident too, because I think Yellow didn't play really well, even though it is a good map. BTW Thorax, your sig is too big, mine is too, but I'm fixing it
Mallet, the map is really well made, and unbreakable, but the gameplay was sort of boring =/ , the best I could do in breaking it was hide behind the mancannon lift. On another note I'm mad bcuz I have rrod, and am leaving for vacation tomorrow, so I think I have to go to a friend's house for like half an hour tomorrow to put my map on my fileshare, then post it here.
Well, at least someone did... You didn't enter a map did you? Judges can't enter lulz.. Who? Me? Nevar!
, I'm leaving for vacation today and have had rrod for a week, but I get back Sunday, and will go to a friend's to put the map on my fileshare. It's past the deadline, but if i could still enter a couple days late if be really grateful. I know you're strict on the rules, but I was hoping you could make an exception
It's spelt: Tex u r gun loze, sowy. Get it right bish. I'll have to think about it gobbles...You're not making this easy... Not looking at any maps til Judgment Day...
fatalityz. camo spawn by kururu86 battle rifle city http://www.bungie.net/Forums/createpost.aspx?forumID=127679&h3file=42945406&source=f474l17%20y%20z well, i have a map that i made quite awhile ago, in march. made a few changes cause i put in a few interlocks after i learned what it was, and also there were a few questionable weapons/equipment, and a few weapons that were placed too out of sight. if u want assault rifle better spawn with them, untested with almost all gametypes EDIT: o and i prefer using new techniques...geomerging ftw, just wait haters