in all fair ness my map was posted and got fairly positive outlooks just tell the newbie members what its for and they understand, And if it is a fairly good competetive map why not post it there? I can handle the flames
Judges slots are full Well, it was more of a suggestion, then a requirement...because seriously...people...flame...non-interlocked maps... teehee
Was being very brief, didn't give a ****, and if you correct me one more time...i will - rep you! muahahhah i'm such a diabolical bastard...
kwik question. Ajhhhh its hard to type this on my iPod touch. Is it supposed to be messy to go along with the lazy forget theme?
Actually you know what I'm staying in.i'll just leave a bump there where the problem is.I've worked to hard to end it now because of a little bump. Hopeufully the bump won't take away the thrill of the map.
ok sooo if its messy it wont win the aesthetically pleasing map, but it could still win the other two. i think i got u there. ok but all i have to do is post my map, but i dont know how to do the thing where u put the link in a word, call me a noob but ive tried to learn how... could u tell me?
ok ssooooo lets say i wanted to put a link here for a website... i just do what u said and.... XxX and wallah!!! YESSSSS
allright, i sent a visitor message...but you have got it... also...get rid of rick's old, and quite lame...
this could be my first competitive map... hmmmm should i make a map or sit back...make a map...sit back... so confusing...
PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THE OP PEOPLE!!! I'm not trying to constantly post here....all your questions you've asked are answered in the original post... EDIT: excluding the [url= thing...i've answered that before is all...
Man, I cant wait to see some non interlocked maps. It'll take me back to the days of december and unbalanced zombie maps.
@ sarge: make a map, you know you want to, besides, it would only take like 3 hours tops... @philthy: well...the competition ends on July 4th, but there could be several maps to judge, so it depends on the amount of maps... @Waylander: I rofl at your sig... @linu: I know whatcha mean, same here =] @person: link fixed