Will there be a second? I have a map I made with no interlocking but I used budget glitch and it turned out really well. I will be making an updated version without the budget glitch if you are doing another contest.
there is not a second place, but there are three different categories to win. I don't think Tex will be making another contest but anyone can make a contest, so go ahead.
I didnt mean a second place. I meant a second contest. Nah I am too unorginized and never know what I am doing so I cannot make a commitment like that.
If I make another contest, (big if) I will not be doing any of the judging, it was fun, but I just don't have the time for it...I don't know though, it wasn't that bad really, just setting up the event...I might do one in the future, keep your eyes peeled boys.
lol kapura, give us some time, it's kinda hard getting the boys together to judge...I've been on the past 2 nights with no other judges on =[
I am potentialy sorry for my friend actions against what he has said. I wish to play again with you someday.
We will be needing a judge to replace The Yellow, as he is not on Halo anymore due to his disk being scratched (I think). SO, I will be replacing him with a different person each time I judge (based on whoever is online). So, that should make things slightly eazier.
Yes, we got about halfway done the first day, but we just haven't been able to get all together on xbl at the same time, I think it has to do with the -judge (The Yellow), so I will be working that out. Should more then likely have some judging done tonight.
Good, I hope you guys finish soon. I'm leaving for camp on Monday and wont be on a computer or xbox for 3 weeks, so if I don't find out before camp, I have to wait three weeks extra for the results, lol.
If all goes well, there'll be the end results posted along with a recap video of the events. It's running amazingly well, I didn't anticipate enjoying the maps, but the party I was in when we first did this, we were pretty much cracking up the whole time...
Kay, the 6th judge will actually be noone in particular, but if you're on when judging comes along, then I'll be glad to pick you.