Hurray! I'm finally writing this thread up! Before I begin, where should the maps get posted? here Alright, now, countless times I have seen people suggesting a contest where there should be no interlocking and other random inputs...but noone has officially made the without further adieu: Rules of Contest: Absolutely No Interlocking (Besides auto-locking doors/windowpanels) Absolutely No Geo-Glitching (Interlocking objects with the map) Absolutely No Infinite-Money-Glitch You are required to use Foundry (sorry if you feel otherwise) Entry must be submitted by July 4th (Independence Day) Only allowed to post one map, so choose wisely Floating Objects IS allowed Applications must be put on the Submission thread people... Must complete application for contest properly. Map MUST be competitive style (sorry, but it kinda slims down the judging) These rules are non-negotiable. IF for some reason, you cross these rules, you will be disqualified, sorry to be so strict. *The point just above, was made at 7:54 AM June 26th Central Time, USA. This contest is to see if we can create something without the use of advanced forging techniques... This contest is open to all applicants, the applications must be filled in this fashion, and posted at the following thread: Submission Thread ----------------------------------- User Name(s): Example text Map Name: (Name must link to map) Did you read and follow instructions: yes/no Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: yes/no & explanation. *For help on getting your maps posted see the bottom of the page. ----------------------------------- Thanks everyone for competing, and forge well =] Also if you are in need of a Non-Money-Glitched Canvas on Foundry: Here you are =] Much thanks goes to MLGLR playahater for creating canvas real quick, since it's so hard to find one since the creation of money glitch xD UPDATE: We will be needing judges, so, if I could please get a few "well-known" forgers to help in the judging process, I would be much obliged =] Also, judges are not allowed to enter a map =P Current Judges: Brute Captain Iv0rY Snak3 Waylander linubidix Dom says Oi Tex (me) The judges will be rating each map in the same fashion as a Review, though, depending on how many entries there are, there may be a smaller review then what the review hub does...This is copy & pasted straight from there: Map Rating Criteria: Maps will be judged and reviewed on the following five criteria: Enjoyment: The FUN factor! A high scoring map will have people saying "it's over already?" and "let's play that again!" This is probably the most subjective category, because what is fun for one person might be boring or frustrating for someone else. Balance: "Tank beats everything" is great for Campaign, but not for Multiplayer. A high scoring map will have a counter to every strategy, weapon, vehicle, and piece of equipment. Durability: You can't break this map no matter how hard you try. A high scoring map will work right every time. Players will not be able to escape the play area, will not be able to spawn camp, and will not be able to exploit any features of the map. Aesthetics: So pretty you almost forgot you're supposed to be killing people. A high scoring map will look good, obviously. This doesn't necessarily mean neat and tidy, but the map should have distinct features to help players immerse themselves in the game and orient themselves within the map. Originality: Another death pit? Fail. A high scoring map will help players experience Halo in a way they never have before. This can be done with innovative layouts or original game settings. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, just present something fresh. Each of the above will be rated out of 10. An average of all the scores will be made, and that will be the final score. Just like 'The Furious Review'. OMG MORE INFO!!! when will it end, my eyes are killing me =[ ----------------------------------- The judging for these maps (depending on the quantity) could take some time, so the length of time finding our victor could vary. The reason there are 6 judges, is because we need separate time-zones available Judges will be able to split, but we need at least 3 judges, judging each map, so one person cannot convince another so easily of a map's rating. Also, keep in mind that a rating of a non-interlocked map shouldn't take a whole day, so we should be able to punch out a few of them throughout the day... Also! There will be three separate victors: The Most Aesthetically Pleasing Map The Most Playable Map The Most Creative Map ALSO: DO NOT POST YOUR MAP ON COMPETITIVE MAPS SECTION...Considering it won't be using any interlocking, you are bound to get flamed... ----------------------------------- How do I get a map posted on the submission thread? The answer to that would be: 1) Save map 2) Put map on fileshare 3) Go to 4) Go to your halo 3 page 5) Go to your fileshare in said page 6) Copy url (at top of page) 7) Go to this thread: Here! 8) Then enter your map, in the following format: User Name(s): Example text Map Name: (Name must link to map) Did you read and follow instructions: yes/no Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: yes/no & explanation. 9) When you post your map on the "Map Name" section, type in "Map name here[/url.] (without the period.) I think that sums that up... POST MAPS HERE!
Darn alright = ) I think I'll just look at a bunch of my maps from before I came to FH lol. Is this contest somewhat mocking mapmakers?
K, i think I tweaked it out a little better, also, I would be very happy to see a colored post a map here, that would kinda give for some better competition (especially a mod/prem, rofl)
Alright I just finished making the canvas that will be used for map entires.I deleted everyhting for every gmaetype (even those small little respawn areas) so play well. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
i may just enter for this. :-D tex you come up with some of the greatest ideas... lol. btw.. im sureim not considered a "well known forger" but if you do need more then you can get, let me know.
Ok i have a question... say if i was going to block off the back area's of foundary... would it be okey if i interlocked a wall that protected the outside of the map?
i'm happy to be a judge if you want, i don't have many ideas (that i feel are cool/creative) for a map, so if you want put me down for judge.