Well, I posted my map. Its called Trigonal. If you care, check it out and see if its any good and if anything needs changes. Also, I refuse to let mallet win again. I have gone all out somewhat.
dimmest i saw your map,i think you have a chance at some category. wanna check mine out and see if thers anything i could work on, i fixed the walls so no getting out of map, but anything with the layout?
mallet gets no love in lazy mapmakers forums i guess... Tex, i dint, but for lazy mapmakers 3, would we be aloud to go out of map, on a map such as blackout, and make i giant foating map?
Part of the rules for the LMC is to complete your map on Foundry. Silly...I think I've told you the rules three times now....
My map is finished, it R gun win. Its so relaxing to forge like that, it only took me 2 forge sessions to successfully complete it. I'll post it in a minute, just have to make the bungie thread.
Wait. It's happened. Tex has now acquired so much rep that FH's system can't even show his last bar correctly. It is discolored. And I just wanted to say that I finally posted my map. It took too long to do.
Bloumbas, I downloaded yours and gave it a forge through as well as played a couple games with my friends. From the games, I found that I liked the layout but I really like the boxes with vehicles in them. Your weapons seem fine, but the sniper is a bit pointless unless you are good at close range sniping. Our first game was 2v2 and that played pretty well. Then we tried 3v3 and basically you never got your shields to recharge. I really like 2v2 though And of course I broke out of your map. Here is the link to the vid on my fileshare: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing It can be easily fixed though so don't worry.
I havnt been able to make a map yet, as I'm on vacation. However, I also havnt been able to check out Mallet's entry. IS it good? will it win again? I'd like to know before I waste time on a map, lol.
Yah its awesome... ; / wink wink No i know abou the rules orf this lmc, but will there be changes for the next?
sorry tex, i know im stilldouble posted, i saw it right when i did it, but even after your warning im still not sure how to delete it, maybe send me another pm, so i can get rif of this.
Thanks. I thought the downfall of mine would be the spawns. And as for the wall, My friends tell me my map is breakable if they can get out in the monitor form so I have to completely seal it off. Hopefully one of ours will beat mallets.
I don't hate mallet. It's just I hope to beat mallet. That's all. Mallet did make my sig./avatar after all, and I love them both. <3