I love all of your attentiveness and care towards this contest...It shows me that you all are either looking to increase your post count (BAM! Infractionzorzzzz), or you are serious, either way, it is much obliged (it being your kind words). Though, to be completely legitimate with you all, I'm canceling the contest. LOL jaykay guys... I seriously have been having some irl issues as of late, and some serious issues that need attending over fh (discluding infractions)...So please, as you all have been, remain patient, and over a bit of time, you will have your victor. That quote right there makes me so happy...You guys don't know what the other judges and I went through last time...(Except linou, lmfao) That is all.
You scarred me there tex. But then I went down and phewf. Take as much time as you need, because we would prefer a all of the maps to have a fair go.
Yeah I too am so glad that there is some serious competition this time around. I remember the first game I joined it was just a massive spiral with almost every weapons available scattered everywhere. People took the name of the contest way too seriously. In a way I'm happy that its a legit competition now and not happy that there is some serious competition, lol. But yeah, twas crap after crap then 5 minutes of talking into our asses about Yellow then crap after crap. Not say everything was crap but a lot of them last time were very poor. Except for the odd one and Yellow. I'd assume the judging would be a lot more enjoyable this time around.
Just you wait 'til the next one. I missed getting Arrowhead into the contest by a couple of days, but now it just gives me even more time to tweak the gameplay to utter bad ass-ness. bwhahahahahahaaaaaa*cough,cough*ha*cough*
lol, that post just goes to show that its never too early for smack talk. Its so much fun making these maps, so relacing and weirdly creative. Restricting creativity leads to more creativity.
Absolutely. The hardest part is to check and make sure that things aren't accidentally interlocked, lol. I've always found forging to be strangely meditative, but doing it the old school way is even better.
Me too, most of the time. Forging is really relazing but forging a lazy map is like meditating, you feel so awesome and so relaxed. I cant wait for the next contest just for the relaxation it provides.
Building a map without interlocking to me is kinda' like...... sitting on a radiator. Which I have actually done in the past. And it's not pleasant. What I'm saying is just that I get frustrated trying to make a quality map with objects that seem to be magnetic to each other. But it is very true that that does make creativity show.
Ya so uhm Tex, never do that again, seriously, never. I mean i almost screamed. I've been waiting, then you pulled that I was like wow. Anyway, I'll continue to be patient, obviously you have a lot of stuff going on right now.
The instant I saw 'cancelling the contest' I got so damned pissed. Damn you for scaring the **** outta me. >.<
Yes. I died a little inside. I worked so hard on my map. Well not really. It only took two days to build. But those were some tedious two days that I will never get back. I was so ='( when I saw that......
It R taking to long, i say riot But seriously, I know you have a lot going on, so maybe give us a quick update of how far you've come as far as grading goes.
Results either tomorrow night, or tonight. All the maps are judged, winners have been decided. Time to leave you on a cliffhanger. =]
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Tex, you're awesome. I'd like to wish all other contestants good luck.
Tomorrow night, That R today? Im excited. and good luck to you as well felipe, and everyone else. Are the esults posted here, or in another thread, or in the submission thread?I R confused.
Will there be a third? I think I have a map that has very good gameplay that uses little interlocking that I could remove.
I'd love a third. We could see what the next map pack holds and if another foundry like map it could be held on that one for the fact of adding new elements. Not to mention seeing more than the same old walls, boxes and fence.
If there is a third... I might not enter. The map I'm working on now is going to take a lot of my forging time up so I'd hardly try and it just wouldn't be as good.