The Last Stand is a map I made that I update all the time. So I will not put it up yet. It's for Infection, plays with the Gametype "Bait" The Zombies are faster than humans. 110% 150% Health 200% Gravity Dmg modifier 25 for zombies and 50 for Alpha zombies. In this map there are several highgrounds and bases. Highgrounds are useful because the zombies can't jump high and neither can the humans. All weapons never respawn again, but weapons in the Last Stand the respawn in 60 seconds. Warehouse: Plenty of weapons and Safe if the humans out number the zombies. many Crates for taking cover and 2 small rooms for noobs to hide in. Hospital (60% Done): 4 Regenerators health type of equipment. Custom Power ups that will boost your health. Highgrounds: The highgrounds are safe The zombies can't jump high enough to infect you so your main focus is the bridge leading to it. Your safe unlless you have alot of players ! It takes 2 shotgun or 3 shotgun blasts. The Last Stand: all humans spawn in the last stand but most of the time the go over to the hospital and warehouse and camp there. The last Stand's purpose is ammo. Once everyone has run out they will make their way to The Last Stand. It's A pretty big base but there are 4 entrances. There is a highground above it aswell. Parking lot: has 3 mongooses and 1 warthog (I may get rid of it). So yeah Right now I'm mainly working on the Hospital and Parking Lot. My Gamertag is Mr mansie add me if you want to see the map before it's posted, Goodbye.
I like the idea of going back to the last stand room for ammo, but don't make the weapons too powerful. My idea, just a suggestion, is that you put one type of powerup in each differet base place that spawns after like 90,120,150,180 seconds. This way the humans will have a motive to go to each different base and then back to the last stand to get basic ammo. Please change the name of the map and gametype though! please! Too many maps have the name "the last stand" try to be more creative. The last bngie faves map even had that name believe it or not. Just a thought so keep it in mind.