^Click to Download^ By request, this map has been remade, yet again, for a third version. If you haven't figured out why I would release this version 3 today, than you really need to pay attention to the site more often.... Anyway, on with the post! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Judgment The gametype has also been remade for a third version I renamed to the other variation of the spelling of Judgement (because there were some complatints on the spelling, even though both variations are correct). Scoring: 1 Point per Zombie Kill 2 Points per Infection 2 Point Last Man Standing Bonus -1 Suicide Point -1 Betrayal Point Zombie Traits: 50% Damage Resistance Normal Shields 0% Shield Recharge 100% Leech Shield Vampirism Immune to Headshots 75% Damage Modifier Primary Weapon Plasma Pistol Limited Ammo 90% Speed 200% Player Gravity Full Vehicle Use No Motion Tracker Forced Color Black Alpha Zombie Traits: 50% Damage Resistance Normal Shields 50% Shield Recharge 50% Shield Vampirism Immune to Headshots 75% Damage Modifier Primary Weapon Plasma Pistol Limited Ammo 90% Speed 200% Player Gravity Full Vehicle Use No Motion Tracker Forced Color Black Last Man Standing Traits: 150% Damage Modifier All other traits are unchanged, except the waypoint of course. Custom Powerup Traits: 90 Second Duration 200% Damage Resistance No Shields 50% Shield Recharge Rate 100% Shield Vampirism Vulnerable to Headshots 125% Damage Modifier 125% Speed Normal Motion Tracker 10 Meter Motion Tracker Range Forced Color Zombie All other traits remain unchanged General Settings: 50% Zombie Count 6 Rounds 7 Minute Time Limit Friendly Fire Disabled Indestructible Vehicles Base Player Traits: 300% Damage Resistance No Shields 110% Shield Recharge Rate 75% Damage Modifier Primary Weapon Magnum No Grenade Count Limited Ammo 90% Speed 200% Player Gravity No Vehicle Use No Motion Tracker Forced Color White _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Changes with the v3 Basically, only three things are really different with the map, but they were still some things that needed to be worked on... so I did just that. The first thing I went I fixed was this window, because it would randomly spaz out in mid game and spot working. Next, I fixed one of the ghost window upstairs, by filling the space inside of the open box so that you don't get stuck inside of it when you get out of the ghost. Finally, I edited the cave so that you can't destroy the grav lift preventing humans access inside, and making it so that zombies have to walk more of a distance to go into the cave (you can see the added shield doors in the picture above). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Action Screenshots The round begins... Teamwork is the key to win. Don't move! I have a hostage! This is how a smart zombie uses the map. BOOM! HEADSHOT! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last but not least... I'd like to thank all of my testers. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Download Links Gametype: Judgment Map: the Last Day v3 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for checking out the map (again) and enjoy the v3! Spoiler I released it earlier than the rest of the maps in the map pack, mind you all.
I b makin a rekwest. I b wantin a Verruckt z0mbiezzz map. Lol, but yeah, i think mabye you could make something out of Verruckt or something, Although i know your map is the best of the Nacht der Untoten, i think there is too many of these maps
You just keep improving it, and it's funner every time. Master, if this isn't featured this time, I basically give up hope in it ever getting featured. I know it was featured on Xforgery and Congrats to you for that, but not things are fixed and near perfect. I'm going to try and get a game going this weekend, and we'll see how my friends like it. If they do as much as I know I will, then I'm going straight to the Want to be featured Thread and Nominating you. Good job on your creation, and hope it's worth all the time you spent on it.
I've had the original version for ages thinking it was good this is even better nice to see you fixed some of the windows Well i loved the original downloaded it to play because it is AWESOME
Woah, V3 already? You told me by the end of the summer, but here it is! Anyway, The Last Day is my favorite infection map, and looks like all the flaws are fixed. DL'd, and this better get featured . 5/5
If there were only three very small changes, why did you make a whole new version? Just post it onto the other thread please, it confuses a lot of people because they do not know which version is the latest. Nevertheless, good job.
I also updated the gametype as well... and the changes were still significant enough... Also, I didn't realized that the v2 post was still on the front page of the casual maps section until after I posted it, and now I wish I could just delete that post...
Hey MD. I went through the map and tested it out. I'll provide you with what I found out... 1.) In V2 I thought it was much more difficult to get into the windows, it seems like you dealt with that issue pretty well. I went through the map in forge mode and all seem pretty easy to get into.I did notice a glitch when I entered the window on the 2nd floor closest to where the zombies start ( the ghost entrance ). Before the fence box spawned, I entered the ghost and every time I exited... I got out outside the building back where I started. Once the fence box appeared, I kept exiting inside. One time I even exited in the lower level by the SMG??? That was weird. Not sure if that will be a recurring issue, but appears to be resolved none-the-less. Nice work on that! 2.) The grav lift in the zombie corridor issue... I was still able to destroy the grav lift with the spiker grenade. Now I don't consider myself to be that great a player, but I was able to pull this off quite consistently. I also found that if you get the flame thrower in the mystery box, it's pretty easy to destroy that grav lift. I tried to make a vid of it to upload, but it appears that my Bungie Pro membership expired and I now only have space for six files again??? I never paid for the upgrade in the first place, so don't know why I had it and why it expired. I'm guessing the whole issue with that grav lift was due to people camping behind the teleporter. Is that why this whole thing came about or was it just to prevent people from getting in there in the first place? Either way, I think I have a couple of solutions in mind, but it would probably be easier to show you than try to explain it here. 3.) I didn't realize this with the first couple of versions, but found this out in a forge through with some friends using the game settings of 90 speed/200 gravity. We found a way to get out of the map... and with quite a lot of time to do this, too. This, of course, depends on how good your group of humans are in the first chamber ( combined with how bad your zombie group is to start with ). The open area in the first chamber where the stairwell appears... you can get to the 2nd level jumping off of someone's head. If you can get two people up there, then you have up to 2.5 minutes to get out of the map. On the 2nd floor, you can do the same thing in the corner with the dumpster. Jump on someone's head, then double jump onto the bridge in that corner, then hop on top of the map. I thought up a couple of things you can do to fix that as well. My friends and I are gonna test #3 out the next time we get into a game and see how likely this will happen during an actual game. I think it's possible with a full party. Overall I like the window fix. Great job on that. Seems to work out well. Still love the game and map.
I have updated the file by removing the grav lift and adding a mancannon instead. Replace the version you guys have with this fix, because the cave cannot be broken anymore.
MD... I don't think you updated your links in the OP. I tried to download and they took me to the old V3.
Hmm... that's strange. I saw 1 download, but the file it linked to said it was created July 10th when I clicked on it. Then when I opened the file, it still had the grav lifts blocking the corridor. I'll try again. Nice job on fixing that issue. Definitely much better than before and I've tried to get past it every way I know how and couldn't do it.
Thank jameslieb1, he convinced me to update it so quickly. Now, there are no more known bugs with the zombie entrances.
thx for using my idea md, and im not gonna reveal nething, but i love the last day and im voting for maps for BoF...
I played the game a lot and it was a great remake, but why even copy something else? If they want to have the experience, why don't they play it? You should add a twist or two. For example, the zombies have to get out and the humans try to stop them because if they do get out then there will be a huge outbreak. And the stairway spawns to make it easier as you can get out more easily on the second floor. And maybe set the lives of the zombies to something like 5. Lol I made that up on the spot.
You see my friend, some people don't seem to want to buy Call of Duty: WaW simply because they have the urge to play **** Zombies. So, I designed this map and gametype to play as close to the original thing as possible in Halo 3, so those who haven't played the original know what it feels like to play it. Plus, in this varient, the zombies aren't AI-controlled, and it gives those who have played the original **** Zombies a taste of what it's like to actually be the zombie. I know I barely strayed from the original design of the map, but I was shooting for that and things turned out well in the process. This map even brought out a completely new switch concept that was originally thought not possible to recreate in Halo 3 Forge. I mean, I would call that a successful map, wouldn't you?
Lol i actually bought CoD5 mainly cuz of **** zombies xD And speaking of the random wep box, i voted this for best technical cuz of that in best of forge.
I downloaded the other version and i personally think it would make more sense if the mauler was the .357 magnum, and the bruteshot was the sawn off shotgun/ double-barreled shotgun
this map is really the best remake yet. i wasnt always convinced that but i looked it over again in forge. I think what changed my mind was the window system and how it worked. but i do have one problem with it still. its not the most accurate remake yet. simply because of three reasons i can think of. One is there are not accuratly the amount of windows. two there is no balcony upstairs. and three the room at the top of the spiral stairs is all messed up. there should be a mauler up there and the grenade spot is way to big.