^Click to Download^ Watch every single human killed in the beginning of the round. YouTube - MontyDNA kills all Humans on the Last Day I finally took the time to change the Last Day to work better for gameplay. The last version had over 4000 downloads, and I want to thank everyone for the support given to me while I forged this map. But now, it's time I got down to explaining the changes to the map._________________________________________________________________ Things Kept from the First Version Well first, I should show you what stayed the same, and most the map LOOKS the same. The starting room is the same: And so is the help room: The Zombie spawn room stayed the same: Along with the field outside of the map: The help room door is still in place: And the random weapon box (obviously) remains as the hightlight of the help room: The entrance to the cave also opens in the same way: All of the stairways and ramps spawn at the same times: And the players LOOK the same as well: Eh... maybe a little too much. XP _________________________________________________________________ Changes in the v2 Besides the new thumbnail image at the beginning of the post, there are some significant changes that make the v2 play much better than the v1 did. I also may have unintentionally put myself in every single picture in this post. For starters, I changed the gametype to fix the cheat found by Tornroot, and to improve gameplay. Zombies actually die from the explosives in the field now. I fixed two of the windows that always seemed to fail, now they work as well as the other windows do. I also fixed one that people used to break out of the map with. The one in the first room... and the upstairs have been remade. And the one that people could get out of as been fixed to prevent that. The cave has been tweaked so that humans can't get in and camp it. The final change is that I made the top room a lot less "campy" by adding a wall. _______________________________________________________________ Action Screenshots Original thumbnail picture FTW! I wasn't kidding, it's harder to camp here now. Where's mah money?! _______________________________________________________________ Download Links The Last Day v2 Judgement v2 Make sure you download both the map and the gametype before you play it. It really makes a significant difference. Thanks to my testers, you know who you are. I thank RivalMass for helping me make the v1, and I thank myself for sitting down to work on the v2 without boring myself. Make sure to comment about your thoughts on the v2!
Improvements? On The Last Day? Madness! NAh, I know what you needed to fix, and you fixed it all well. This is an absolute blast to play and it is a perfectly accurate remake of Nacht der Untoten. You NEED to make a Zombie Verruct remake!!! EDIT: First post w00t!
Sweet! You fixed most of the stuffed that needed to be fixed. On the top floor sometimes people would get stuck in the windows. Could you fix that in the next version?
A shame I never saw the first version, this looks incredible. Random weapons box is cool, but how does it work? Aesthetics are smooth as well. I like how you didn't use swords for the zombies too. What kind of weapons can you get? I'll download this and play sometime later.
Me and him allready discused and might be making a new one, and if not, I'll make the new one by myself, but it will take longer.
This is a really awesome map it takes all the really good aspects from **** zombies and nacht der untoten and u combined them with new things and made this even more epic. this is honestly one of the most amazing maps and game types ive ever seen. Its a shame i didnt play the first one.... you should make a verruckt and shi no numa map to i'd gladly help if u need it. 9000/5
I fixed it this version by filling the space with barrels. BTW, I officially hit the OLN while working on the v2, so this is going to be the final version.
I look foreward to playing this awesome looking map and hopefully giving it a good rating. U sold me on this one. The design looks flawless and well worked on. You should expand this map to not only play on infection but on assimetrical games as well like bomb. This would be a bangin bomb map. That is if you can build anymore, it looks maxed out.
I never Played on the first version but the Screenshots of this look awesome. I love any map that has plenty of places to hide and has many levels. I'm definitely gonna download this!
THANK YOU for fixing the camping thing in the cave! I always loved this map, but all my friends are jerks and they always camped in that damn cave! Woo! (Oh, by the way, you spelled "Judgement" wrong. It's spelled "Judgment." I'm a bit of a grammar ****, so that's why I bring it up. Otherwise, this update is perfect.)
It's actually spelled both ways, I checked. Plus I'm using the other spelling of Judgement for another gametype... but that's my own business at the moment.
how do you improve the best map ever? i still have v1 on my hardrive and i will be downloading this soon good points *awesome gameplay *the forging is awesome *its a very accurate remake *the only one i have played were you cannot get out the house bad points *why isent v1 and v2 featured * no bad points really based on what i've played on this map and how it looks 5/5
Ive played this map, and through all the great comment about it, i couldn't get too grips with it, but manybe another go will ensure me that this map is epic, as said above.
The cheat found by Tornroot? Is that the turret thing? Because if it is, I believe d4rkdemon found this first. Anyway, I loved version 1, but I never got up to the top floor so I never escaped the map area. Glad you fixed the windows too. A lot of them required you to crouch-jump on the bridges to get the option to get on the mongoose. Is that fixed? Also, I just thought of something. If a human gets in a vehicle from the inside on the top floor, where the vehicles are Ghosts, what if a zombie boards the ghost? Does the human get kicked out of the map as well as the Ghost? Might want to test that. Anyway I loved the original. Glad you fixed all the problems and kept the picture of me up: Lol, I'm the hayabusa noob! Great map Debayter, keep forging. Oh yeah, and you apelt Judgment wrong again too!
Okay. Played this map and new gametype last night with about 10 players. Originality - These maps seem to be becoming more and more commonplace nowadays, but I believe that yours was the first successful one. Aesthetics - You did a great job on merging and geomerging. Everything looks well forged. Game play - Okay while playing last night we ran into a few things. They found it almost more difficult to get in through some of the windows on v2 than what I remember from v1. Also, did you make zombies weaker in any way? I'm not that great a player and I held out until the time ran out. Another guy had about 30 kills before finally dying. Improvements - I really don't know how, but there's gotta be a way to fix those windows or at least make them so they work all the time.
No, zombies could push a fusion coil against the side of the building, stand on top of it and punch it, and jump right after to fly on top of the map and onto the second story early. Sadly no... It's not something I really can fix. Humans have no vehicle use. Again, it's spelled both ways. I checked. That's because I finally hit the OLN, causing WAY more lag to occur than before... just delete some stuff in the zombie fun room and you should be good to go. I couldn't do that because I need the objects if I make a v3... I lowered zombie damage resistance and lowered human damage modifier to compromise the two. In a sense, they are, but not really. The zombies must've just had a bad game in those situations. Just delete the zombie fun room and its objects inside. If you want, I can change the one on my fileshare to delete the unnecessary objects to reduce the lag. Keep the comments coming guys, and thanks for the insight Shroomz.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I found another exploit. The tunnel blocker isn't fool proof. You can take a spike grenade get past the shield door for a split second, throw the grenade in and the grav lift will break. Then you can hide at the back of the cave plus its one way in because of the grav lift barrier and that's through the teleporter which spawns you out facing backwards
Though I never played V1, this looks amazing and seems to be a challenging, creative map. Good job on the display of the map including the video and screenshots. I really like the weapon drop. I myself am not sure of how it works.