The Lab

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Mearm, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    The Lab

    Map made by Mearm and Parune. Use with Epidemic infection variant.
    This map was made with a plot in mind, so I'll tell you the story.

    This lab, being one of the highest technological laboratories in the world, was given the task of creating a creature, not necessarily a human, to be a fighting super-soldier. It was to be obediant, loyal, and most importantly, strong and swift. But something went wrong. It was a normal day, like any other, when the incident happened.
    The creature, as it had no name at the time, was being taught how to use a weapon in combat, a sword of course, when it struck its instructor down. It then ran into the lab. It ran for the containment chamber and destroyed one of the containers on a table. The container contained some sort of mutanous disease of some sort in it. The creature was infected, and became a Zombie.
    The zombie charged out of the room, as it was most likely in pain at the time, and attacked the lab personnel. As it struck down the lab members, and others were fleeing the area, The dead personnel rose up, and gave chase. 2 days later, the government sent in a SWAT team to see what happened to the lab, and to asess what can be done. One thing though, did they come prepared for what they might meet?
    There are 2 sections outside on this map, and 3 sections in the lab. This picture is showing the Storage section. You can't see much, I couldn't get a picture of all of it, so you'll have to download and look to see all of it. The storage section is most likely a camper's paradise, except for the occasional kamikaze zombie that blows himself and the campers up with a fusion coil
    This picture is showing the Containment section of the lab. In the cells (fence boxes), there is a teleporter above the zombies, and a grav lift spawns under them in 30 seconds. This is the smallest section of the lab.
    This picture is showing the Testing section of the map. This is not all of it, like in the Storage section, so you'll have to look at the rest on your own. There is not many camping areas in this section, so you can use this as a hall to get from one of the entrances to the Storage room. Now it is time, once more, for gameplay screenshots.
    This is one of the places where zombies spawn, but don't kill them. You'll set them free early. Just resist the urge to get extra points.
    One of the other places a zombie can start at is up on a ledge up there above the defender starting points. Makes for an interesting beginning.
    The turret can be a very useful weapon when being confronted by alot of zombies.
    Bad camping spot.

    Thanks to Parune, his guest, and my guest for helping me make these pictures. Also thanks to Parune for helping make the map in the first place. And one more thing; I know this map looks sloppy, but it is a destroyed lab, what would you expect? There isnt much interlocking other than the base but the gameplay makes up for it. This is my third post; comments and suggestions are appreciated.
    (I am the one in gold and steel armor, Parune is the one in green and white armor, my guest is the one in green and red armor, and Parune's guest is the one in red and orange armor)

    Here is a link to the map:
    And here is a link to Epidemic, the gametype for those who didn't remember:
    #1 Mearm, Sep 14, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  2. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    nice post, looks fun. Are the pictures in chronilogical order?
  3. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Yes they are in chronological order

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