The Kraken By - Yo Mommas Foot Screenshots Starting Point First hill going up Downhill box turn Wall double straightaway Wall double downhill turn Fence wall overbank Wall corner turn & Box slope Stair turn & bridge slope On Ground Dumpster turn with shield door support BattleTracks teleporter writing for Aesthetics Geomerged mancannons that give you a boost >|DownloadMap|< All BattleTracks GameVariants ------------------------------------------------------------ Visit
Hey man I saw this in progress, I though it was pretty good, definitly better then Apocalypto The flow is really nice and the ideas are amazing, I'm glad you used the fence wall over the track idea! The track itself is a bit rough and the ending always makes me wreck with the man cannons. Maybe do something to the end especially the last turn because it dosen't seem to handle very good. Keep up the good work 4/5!
i was quite confused on why you would name a map "The Kracken" now i see, plenty of turns and bumps. It seems like you are riding on a snakes back! good work! id rate a 4/5
This is very nice. You have used new forging styles and new things never seen before. Nice accent and it is very smooth. 4.5/5. I dont usually give 5's so dont be offended.
this looks like a great race map but from the pics i cant tell the entire overview of the track. maybe i just dont see it but if you could put in an overview of the track that would be great anyway everything looks smooth and well interlocked. keep forging tracks and from where you are now it looks like you could become really good at forging tracks
WOW!! This is nice. Smooth interlocking and competitive play. The banked wall turn is amazing. The battle tracks tele. writing is great and is a nice youch. THe underpass was a smart idea too. Its great and cheatproof. 5/5
I would have to say that I had fun racing this track. It was really smooth, cheatproof, and had a good layout. I don't care for inverted bank turns, which your track has a lot of, because they make it harder to make the turns instead of aiding like conventional bank turns do. You added the shield doors to help you keep your speed, and they did their job well. The thing is that you have to hit those in order to go fast, so they are the deciding factor in any race. In the end, the fact that you have to concentrate on hitting the shield doors took away from the overall enjoyment of the map. JimP Factor: 84% A well built track.
this map is pretty cool, its wavy and awesome and fast. to bad you sometimes go up to high on the map slowing you down and the last turn is hard to control (for me)