The Killbox 1.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Citizyn Raven, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    Map Title:Killbox 1.0
    The square box of death

    Download Map

    Description:(Before I start, I know it says the author is FearlessNirvana. my homie helped me out)
    Killbox 1.0 can only be described as one thing. A hellish four story mosh pit of death and destruction. The bottom floor has two shielded off spawning areas. Light cover, equiment, and weak weapons can only be found on the bottom floor. Walk up the two stair sets to the second floor, where brute shots and turrets, along with a bridge spanning the middle of the arena, can be found. Work your up to the third floor to find some power weapons and better cover. The fourth floor includes firebomb grenades, rocket launchers and a gravhammer. A well timed nade jump nets you the 5TH FLOOR ZOMG. A turret and an excellent vantage point. Please try out my map, DL, and comment. Made for slayer only, and ideal for 2-4 players. Not hyper competetive, but very fun. A Raven and Nirvana original.

    First floor
    The middle weapon bridge and part of the second floor
    The fourth floor
    Death from above
    Sword duel
    Suck It

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