Sandbox The Journey (Jump Map)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by KrazyKraka3, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. KrazyKraka3

    KrazyKraka3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Journey (Jump Map)

    Players: 1-8

    Supported Gametype:

    Difficulty: Hard

    The journey is the first jump map that I have made on sandbox. In this map I tried to keep it to just the type of jumps that you would do in matchmaking. That means that I will not have equipment jumps, gravity hammer jumps, bruteshot jumps, or vehicle jumps. Instead I stick to jumps such as slide jumping, long jumps, jumping around walls, small jumps, and crouch jumps.

    The custom game variant doesn't have many changes to that of team slayer. Your starting weapon is changed to the plasma pistol to make it easier to show other members of your team where to jump to. Also damage is set to 0% to make team killing and throwing off other people nearly impossible. There is no time limit because of the length of the map (First time through it took me four hours to beat it with two other people). Also players do not spawn with grenades, so they cannot grenade jump over walls.

    The map starts out in the crypt area where players are made to go through three different sections before going to the skybubble for the majority of the map. The first of these sections is the spawn area. This area features three long jumps, a slide jump, and jump around a wall. The second section is the Pit area, where you have to climb to the top of a "Pit" type section. If you fall during this section and do not land on one of the "Pit" jump objects on the way down, you will fall back into the spawn area. In the second "Pit" section of the map there are two regular jumps, three long jumps and finnaly a slide jump into the third section of the map. The third section of the map, also know as the ceiling section, features small crouch jumps. This section is only four jumps long, and if you fail you are able to start back at the beggining of this section. At the end of this area, you will find a teleporter that will take you to the rest of the map.

    The first thing that you may notice when you go through the teleporter is the blocked teleporter to your right. This is the first teleporter of three that I added into the map after testing it. (First version only had 2 checkpoints) To unblock the teleporters you need to make it through each section, and knock the fusion coil that sits on top of it off of the teleporter. Each checkpoint is numbered with wedges that are next to them, to make it less confusing on where to go. Also after going through the first teleported the next one that you will use is near it. Also, if you die when you are up here, you will not respawn in the crypt. Instead you will stay at the beggining of the skybubble area.

    The first section of the skybubble part of the map is "The Tower" section. It starts out after you jump around the wall in front of the spawn area. From there you do several easy jumps until you reach the tower. In the tower area, you must complete corner jumps to climb to the top. Upon reaching the top you must complete three additional jumps to make it to the first checkpoint. The purpose of this area is to allow players to practice jumping around corners. For example in MLG Amplified one of the "Trick" jumps on the map requires players to jump from the flag area to a wall that is around a corner, and then to the middle. Another example of this is on blackout where you can jump around corners near the sniper tower for a faster route.

    The second section of the skybubble part of the map is "The Whirlwind" section. This section has you climb a whirlwind area of objects to reach the top. While in the whirlwind you will have to find the shortest possible jumps to make it to the top. Some jumps may seem possible, but make sure to check the other ones too, because I added a few tricks to it. This area of the map was designed to show players how to look for the best possible routes while jumping, and to practice jumping in a small area. A perfect example of this is on foundry, behind the rocket tunnel on the left side facing it from the starting areas. Here, players can jump back and forth from the door part to reach the third floor of the map without the use of gravity lifts.

    The third section of the skybubble part of the map is the "Island Hopping" section. This section includes short jumps, slide jumps, long jumps, and corner jumps. The purpose of this section is to combine the types of jumps that I used in the first two sections and to add for a different area to practice these jumps.

    The Last section of the map is the "KillBall / Speedjumping" section. This area starts out with several jumps around the kill ball. This part is another area to practice the types of jumps before, but in a harder setting. At the end of this section is two mancannon "Speed" jumps. Players have to use the mancannons to hit the mancannon and then jump off the pedistles at speed to make it to the next jump. This section is useful to practice speed jumps for maps in the game, such as Narrows, Valhalla, and Avalanch.

    After those jumps is the finish line, which definitely is not the best part of the map due to the fact that I ran out of money towards the end, and I did not feel like deleting some objects to budget glitch the map. The end features a gravity lift, a sniper rifle, a 7 wood (gravity hammer), and a golf ball/ hole (Mario reference anyone?). The teleporter will bring you back to spawn (skybubble) if you want to go back and help your team finish.



    Crypt Section 2:


    Crypt Section 3:


    Crypt Section 3 Alternate View:


    SkyBubble Respawn Point:


    Skybubble Start:


    The Tower Section:


    First Checkpoint:


    The Whirlwind Section:


    Second Checkpoint:


    Island Hopping Section:


    Third Checkpoint:


    Killball Jumps:


    First Mancannon "Speed" Jump:


    Second Mancannon "Speed" Jump:


    Finish Line:


    Download The Journey Here
    Download Jump Gametype Here

    #1 KrazyKraka3, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009
  2. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very detailed description. I really like these kinds of maps, even though they frustrate the hell out of me. My jumping skills, especially grip jumping, need some working on. It looks like you put a lot of time and thought into this jumping marathon. Not sure I'll download because it's not really my niche, but I like what you did with your concept.

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