What The Title Says! I am looking for a new sig, so I have devised a contest for you guys to design and create my new sig (totally did not steal the idea from the ABCrew...). How It Works: Ok, You guys basically just post your finished sigs, or questions in this thread. Anything else WILL be deleted as spam. I don't care for the theme, as long as it is not a video game Sig Sizes would preferably be either: 400x100 150x150 I do not mind as to which you choose, but those are the optimum sizes. Other Requirements: Sigs may have as much text on it as you wish, as long as there is my name, or "Snack" somewhere on the sig. Theme can be whatever you wish, but my personal preference is music. Colour scheme is up to creator, but make sure that it doesn't clash to badly with the new skins. Sig MUST have a border of some kind. Prizes: Prizes are as of yet undecided, but it could range from MS points, to a look at my new map, to +rep, depending on whether I can be bothered to do any of those things. I will be adding a current entries box once/if I get a decent number of entries. Possible Themes: As stated before, I like music themed sigs (although it is not required) and bands such as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd or the Jimi Hendrix Experience are all possible themes. Some other ideas are: Abstract Nature Industry But basically, be creative, apart from sig size, you pretty much have free reign to do whatever you wish.
Something I made fairly quickly, not completely sure of it as I was experimenting with filters. Notice the text is transparent. I think there's a few things I could've done better.
oooh, I like the transparent text, but the glow around the bottom right is a bit heavy for my liking.
I wasnt too fond of my first one, I liked the idea I had with it. I thought of a more classy, clouds theme. Still sticking to the red because of the Journalism.