The Ire of Fire

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Felipe dos, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    Hello Forgehub community! It is with great pleasure that I finally present my first map, The Ire of Fire

    Dragon- This is the main feature of the map's scenary. Keep in mind when looking here that this entire map is constructed for gameplay and is not solely an aesthetic creation.

    First off I'd like to thank Debo37 for all of his help with weapon placements, general layout know-how, and spawn point placement. The Ire of Fire is an asymmetric map divided into two sides (attackers and defenders). These two sides are then divided into seperate sections, each creating equal opportunities and advantages for all players. This map is fitted with all gametypes. Happy face.

    The secret UNSC military expiriments taking place in VOI South Factory Complex 09 were always said to be unethical by those who knew about it, but were never thought to be dangerous. It wasn't until the expirimental F.I.R.E. (Finite Infernal Repulsing Entity) Program malfunctioned that the true horrors of what the scientists had created became apparent. The F.I.R.E. Program was initially designed to combat the resilient Covenant Scarabs, but the artificial intelligence used in the dragon-like machine was not capable of separating its views of violence from those of loyalty.

    Immediately the robot began showing agression towards all signs of life. The residents of the factory made an effort to control it, but with each passing day the machine grew more and more intelligent. In time it effortlessly escaped and, for reasons unknown, remained hell-bent on destroying those who created it. A war was waged between the dragon and its humans. No amount of firepower the military was willing to use would stop it. The factory workers, unable to escape, constructed an enormous wall to protect themselves from the monster. After dozens of casualties and days of brutal attacks, the engineers' designs finally proved positive as the dragon showed that it truly was a finite entity. Its joints slowly grinded to a halt as the life force in the machine simply faded away as it was intended to do.

    The machine still remains frozen as it was when this war ended, the light in its eyes eerily pulsating. The factory was re-opened for examination after years of being quarantined. Signs of the past battle can be found in the overturned vehicles and various weapons scattered about the facility. The dragon sits immovable as it was in its last moments of life, attempting to tear the humans' wall down with its left arm, the right arm scarred beyond repair. This building has now become somewhat of a monument to the horrors of what man can create. It will always remind those who lived in the year 2552 of the ire of F.I.R.E.

    Map Structure
    The dragon makes up the main feature of the map. It is located in the first half of the defence side. In the "belly" of the dragon spawn a flamethrower in symmetrical gametypes, a mauler with two firebomb grenades in asymmetric gametypes, and a regenerator in both. A sniper rifle hangs in the top of the dragons mouth.

    One of the main entrances to the dragon is located to its left. This is both easy to access and easy to defend.

    The other main entrance to the dragon is it's right arm, beginning with an enormous claw.

    Here is the opening in the claw. The opening leads into the right arm, which is hollow, and brings players into the dragon's belly.

    Next to the dragon sits a garage-like structure that holds the defenders' ghost. This structure can be climed in order to access the attacker side and the top of the wall

    Here we see the second half of the defence side, separated from the first half by the dragon's arm. The fuel rod gun and overshield are key components to this section. Two firebomb grenades and a battle rifle also spawn here.

    The next major part of the map is the attacking side. This part, like the defence, is also split into two sections.
    The first section is a "shotgun base". This is where the shotgun, active cammo, two plasma rifles, two firebomb grenades, the attackers' ghost, and energy drainer spawn.

    The second section of the attacking side houses a needler, two SMGs, and a bubble shield. The main feature here is the large staircase leading to the top of an enormous wall.

    Of course, if the attacking and defending sides are separated, there has to be something separating them. And on Foundry, we know that's not going to be a large distance. Instead players are confronted with this wall, spanning across the entire map and three boxes high. This is highly interlocked to minimize bumps. On the top of this wall spawn two Battle Rifles and a Spartan Laser, which will effectively combat the two ghosts on the map. Both sides are given equal opportunity to get to the top of this wall. The defenders can run up the dragon's fingers and the attackers can use the large staircase.

    Action Shots

    Camping with the fuel rod gun

    Exploiting the overshield

    Effectively defending with a sniper rifle

    Attacking with the laser

    Using the geography to get many splatters... many, many splatters.

    Active cammo and the shotgun, Debo? It's only territories.

    Firebomb grenades effectively replace stickies and spike grenades

    A hill is easy to defend with the shotgun nearby. But who will git it first?

    The needler can easily get rid of a laser.

    And finally, with thanks to Rhinestorm, the pic that everyone expects and wants to see

    Weapons, Vehicles, and Equipment
    1 Needler ( 2 spare clips, 90 second respawn)
    2 SMGs (2 spare clips, 45 second respawn)
    6 Battle Rifles (2 spare clips, 60 second respawn
    1 Fuel Rod Gun (1 spare clip, 120 second respawn)
    2 Assault Rifles (Because you're bound to run out of ammo)
    2 Plasma Rifles (45 second respawn)
    1 Shotgun (1 spare clip, 120 second respawn)
    1 Plasma Cannon (120 second respawn)
    1 Flamethrower (Symmetrical, 180 second respawn)
    1 Mauler (Asymmetric, 1 spare clip, 60 second respawn)
    1 Sniper Rifle (1 spare clip, 120 second respawn)
    1 Spartan Laser (150 second respawn)
    1 Brute Shot (2 spare clips, 60 second respawn)

    1 Overshield (180 second respawn)
    6 Firebomb Grenades (2 asymmetric, 45 second respawn)
    1 Regenerator (60 second respawn)
    1 Portable Grav Lift (90 second respawn)
    1 Active Cammoflage (180 second respawn)
    1 Power Drain (60 second respawn)
    1 Bubble Shield (90 second respawn)
    4 Fragmentation Grenades (10 second respawn)

    2 Ghosts (150 second respawn)

    Recommended Gametypes
    Free-For-All slayer
    Team Slayer
    One Flag
    One Bomb
    Evenball (what???)

    #1 Felipe dos, Jul 21, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2008
    Furious D 18 and evan12075 like this.
  2. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    I’m glad we finally got this done, Felipe. Thanks for making this thing playable, and giving it all it deserves. You are an extremely talented artist, and if you don’t end up with a career in some form of media (be it filmmaking, directing, scripting, whatever), I’ll eat my socks. Plus, you’re probably the fastest learner of anyone I’ve met. You picked up on interlocking, save-quitting, and geo-merging in record time, and not having to constantly repeat things saved a lot of time.

    For a first map, this is simply as good as they come. I would honestly expect things of this caliber coming from established Forge veterans, not someone with a join date of July and two posts to his name. Your structures are neatly done, weapons and spawns excellently placed, and even your objectives are amazing. But the best thing of all is that you didn’t fall victim to that which other Forgers often do. Instead of being trapped in an aesthetic-happy mode, you took into account the map’s playability when building it. In my opinion, a map’s playability is a true measure of how good it is, not necessarily its aesthetics. However, this map rolls playability and aesthetic beauty into one nice package, and I really love it and appreciate all of the work you’ve done.

    Lastly, thanks for putting up with all of my nitpicky bullsh*t during the process of making it. I’m lucky you didn’t kill me for saying stuff like “that box isn’t straight” or “do it again dangit!” Plus, our hassle with all of the different versions was weird, but we pulled through it. I look forward to helping out with your next map!
  3. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    looks like a good map. although seems kind of random to me.
    but great first map

    the random part is how there is a dragon in a competetive map.. i'll see hoe the gameplay is
    but again, looks great
    #3 Wood Wonk, Jul 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2008
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    whoa, I thought this was gonna be aethetic.
    It appears to be a competetive aesthetic map.
    That hasnt been done a whole lot. DL'd, I'll report back later.
    Norbert220 likes this.
  5. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    teh big f dragon, nice, fantastic dragon, very well made, but wait, a competative map you say? ill see how this is done
  6. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    this map is freaking amazing
    great job, i am awe
    virtual HI-5!!
  7. I K3NN3DY I

    I K3NN3DY I Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow...and my jaw drops
    dude my first map...pfft...nothing like this
    you are a very creative person
    you do forge like chewing a peice of gum
    you do it good the first time you try it
    this is absolutely amazing
    i dont think this is sloppy at all for a first map
    the dragon and its claws are absolutly amazingly put togetther
    you have fantasic ideas and you definentally keep forging
    someone would be stupid to rate this bad for looks
    indeed i have not played on it...but once my hardrive becomes spacier this will have my download
    i hope to see way more from you in the future
    dont let ne one tell you different
    you pwn!!

    and not to mention you even posted right with a very good storyline and description
    someone read the instuctions...
    yay for you...
    + rep
    #7 I K3NN3DY I, Jul 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2008
  8. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Hey amazing first post i cant believe you did all that work on your first post great map 5/5 from me. Keep forging youv got talent kid.
  9. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    YES! it's FINALLY been released.

    *waits for next feature*

    anyway, the map is delicous and im really glad i got to see this map from near the beginning stages. not only is the map sexy because theres a huge friggen dragon... but the geomerging, interlocking and just plain out aesthetic beauty. The weapons and grenades are obviously placed professionaly (in the right place) and im glad to see you moved the overshield on the final version.

    I never got a chance to play the final version, but even in beta versions the map didnt experience serious spawn issues. gameplay seemed to go very smoothly. and it provided some of the most intense asymmetric games i've ever played. im curious to see how a game of territories or Flag Rally would play out on the map. I can't wait to play the final version.
    Debo37 likes this.
  10. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    Wow. Thanks for all of the positive replies in such a short amount of time. I just wanted to say that it may seem sloppy/random from the screenshots but this is simply on account of the sculptural feel. I assure that precision and non-randomnessicity were two of mine and Debo37's biggest aims with this map. It all started about three months ago with the dragon head. We've been working hard on it ever since. I built it and Debo tested it with this abnormally large friends list.
  11. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    looks hellacious. I'll give it a dl. I like that monster thing as well.
  12. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    OMG. This really deserves a feature. The dragon is immensely detailed and It just looks like it would be a lot of fun to play on. I mean, who doesn't want to scale the inside of a dragon?
  13. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    cool map i like the dragon and the look of it
  14. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    This map seems to be more of a just aesthetic with possible game play. But thats just me. It is an amazing map though good job
  15. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    not many pictures with the actual dragon
    but that face looks freakin sweet
  16. Floppy2276

    Floppy2276 Ancient
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    AHHHH a dragon! That is funny. I wonder how well it plays...
  17. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    looks pretty good, i like the idea that you start out of the map, the whole map looks nice and at first i felit it should me in aesthetics section, i like how theres a ghost but i don't think having two is such a good idea, maybe having one near the middle?, in all looks really good
  18. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Yay it's finished! And it's awesome! Of all the dragon-maps this one is the best. And I guess it plays very well too! So I will give it a try and rate it 5/5 ;)
  19. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    Wow....I saw this map a long time ago in forge discussion...and I couldn't wait till it was released. I think my favorite part of the map though is the stars going up to the wall...
  20. this great and its your first post wow 5/5 im downloading

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