there is a way to do this. first you shall say "Dude... Bro..." and then raise your hand, and high-five as hard as u ****ing can, with harmful intent
I understand your goal, Dom, and it is a very noble one. However, I must tell you that you stand to be disappointed with the results. As hard as we try, the fate of an individual as left to them. What they are and what they will become are things they bear responsiblity for, providing they have a moral compass. This compass is not something that can truely be taught through words alone. As hard as you teach the mind, the heart will often not believe. A religion like yours is healthy for a soul in the sense that it establishes a social system of acceptable behaviors for an individual. As they live life according to what they are taught is right, their heart begins to understand the real place of respect and love towards our brethen. Life in this existence is perfect. It was crafted to shape us into something divine, and interactions between members of the earth teach the lesson better than we as individuals can. So, even though they will inevitably continue to behave hurtfully and self-appeasingly, have faith that they cannot exist this way in our world for much longer. They will learn their lesson - even if it takes them a thousand lifetimes. (For anyone curious, I'm a hybrid Buddhist/Taoist.)
Well, knowing this person who saiad these things, probably shouldnt have, and he is sorry, im sure. But your right, we all have our own opinions, and, i think people will be dicks if they want to.
I am also very casual christian, but only really because I was born into a christian family, I belive in god but I'm not about to tell people on the interwebs how to act, I'm glad someone is though props to you
i agree with dom the amount of flaming on the net in general not just forge hub has to stop. even if you don't care because "its the internet" just remember this isn't a game you are talking to real people.