The Infinitower Successor To: "Infinitower" Original Creator: Cosmic Rick Original Idea: Devinish OVERVIEW:Designed with Slayer in mind, this map gives a complete 3D feel to your battle environment. The vertical layout will guarantee you get lost several times before finding your way. Going up only brings you down, and down brings you up. MAP DETAILS: Players Supported: 4-14 Gametypes Supported: Slayer, Team Slayer, and CLUE SCREENSHOTS: There is a hidden Rocket launcher, and Minigun Turret to be found. THANKING SECTION: Thanks to all of the testers who have given suggestions and advice. Also, special thanks to Tender Bisquit for this beautifully organized post, which I shamelessly stole and replaced with my map's information. DOWNLOAD: "The Infinitower"
Alright, just downloaded. I check it out on forge and play some customs on it. And also, what's clue? When I'm done testing I'll edit this post and give honest feedback. Alright I played a 4v4 slayer on it, here's a short review of what I thought of it: Layout: 8/10. It was hard to rate this map on aesthetics/layout, because I don't think you intended for it to be aesthetically pleasing. Otherwise your map is pretty clean, there were a few bumps with double and single boxes, but otherwise you're good. I also noticed some clean geometry merging to prevent people from getting out of the map. My favorite room in this map was the fence box room, it had many of us confused, and some people even got stuck and quit . The amount of teleporters used also helped the map out a lot, by making it easier to navigate around without getting stressed out. Game play: 7/10. One word, headache. Being confused is a part of this map, I understand, but this is the most confusing map I've ever played on. This isn't a bad thing though, it's just that the not as bright players often would just give up and leave the game, which I'm guessing happened to you when you tested it. I didn't try your game type clue, which I'm still confused about. As I said before, I played a 4v4 BR slayer game on the map. You recommended a max of 14 players, and at first, I thought that was way too much. I was completely wrong, this map could easily support an 8v8. There are so many rooms, teleporters, and jump ups, that teaming being an issue was very rare. I thought it was fun IMO. Overall: 7.5/10. Sorry, this isn't the longest review, I just like to get to the things that I think really matter. Things to change for your map, I guess nothing, it works just as it was intended to, and It seems you tested it a lot. There were a few times where I got spawn killed, or I saw someone else get spawn killed, but it wasn't often. And with 14 players, what can you expect? This is the first time I've seen a map created in this style, it's very unique. I suggest changing your spawns up a little bit though, maybe add more accurate spawn areas? It just seems that you didn't correctly place them. Good job though, I had fun. Keep it up. My review wasn't to make your map look good/bad, I just like to honestly comment on maps that I find interesting.
honestly i cant tell really anything from the pics they all look good but flip the bridges next time plz ill dl to check out
Some of the bridges are flipped, only the ones that are flat. It adds a bit of variation to the map. The ramps with the metal side up hit the natural light in foundry much better at the angle in which they are placed.
ahhh yes, I remember this map... nicely done.. I was lost the entire game, it took me a while to get my bearings. but I guess thats what I get when I join in the middle of a game.
Hey, great organized post, btw. So to answer some of the questions and such. This map has the most difficult spawns I have ever worked with, as a person could be on the other side of foundry, and be a teleport away from a person who just spawned. This was very extensively tested, and played, and it is good that you noticed. I recommend smaller parties, to minimize teleporter camping. Clue is a gametype made by Tender Bisquit that requires honor rules to be played effectively, the post explains all of the rules. I'm glad you enjoyed the map. P.S. FFA Slayer is my favorite gametype to be played on this map. It is very hectic, and exciting.
Yeah, that's true, I could never make spawns on a map like this, or any map really. I just ask bloodfire to do it lol. But still, large parties work fine with this map, I don't see the problem, it started as a 4v4 and ended up in a 11 person party when the game ended, and still there was barely any spawn killing. Again, good job, I'll see what I think of FFA and Clue.
Yay! Now I can post my Infinitower! That's... 4 maps I have ready to post now. Sweet. LOL @ the original creator and original idea credits. Anyway, this is a nice map with an interesting concept. It succumbs to all the same flaws (well, not all, but many) as mine, but is certainly more interesting. I like the newer, more interlaced layout a lot. Certainly a great map for FFA games. EDIT: I apologize for using the word certainly too much in that post. I certainly do.
i like this map i always find i like the disoriented feel to maps, but i find the slanted ones just annoying the interlcoking and the floating pallets are cool, might want to flip the bridges, unless you reaally care about the lighting, i just find them so annoying and such eyesores to great maps
Great map! I played it in some friends party and it was very confusing yet fun and hectic at the some time! There was not very much camping and as you said earlier the spawns were very well placed and obviously difficult to forge! 5/5 Great Map! Oh, wait already said that... Oh well! Keep Forging! P.S. Lol Cosmic
This definately looks like a beautiful map Before evan playing on it I can include that the respawns will be superb! The multifloors and dezigns (such as the fence box on the bottom floor) look VERY COOL and give the map an awsome feel it. This looks like the teleporters will fit right in. Usaully teleporters can degrade (and sometimes ruin the gameplay) but with the multiple floors it looks like it will compliment the gameplay. I asume it will result in gameplay resembling Chill Out (or Cold Storage whatever) which is definately an achievement. Downloading now! I hope the gameplay is as good as the pictures make it look like it is. Hope to get a game on it soon! Good job Devinish.
The map looks great, and conufsing lol, the layout mostly, it seems that this could be very fun with some nice 2v2-4v4 matches. Great map!
When did this get posted?!? Devinish, this is a pretty cool map. I've only gotten to play one actual game on it, and it was just a casual slayer match. We should get a party together and do a real hardcore match on it. All of your stuff is very well-crafted.
I just love this map on SOOOO many levels (pun intended). great job, can't wait to see how it plays!!! I can't really tell much about the map from the pics because they are all close ups. My Maps: INTIMIDATION V3