Map Description: This is a zombie map with a very simple layout. 12 small rooms, with two windows each, surround a courtyard with a rock structure in the very center. The rooms themselves have very little in terms of decoration, because all the interior decorators had been infected at the time of this map's construction. Those poor souls... Overview shot of map: Game Description: Humans have one minute to prepare for the zombie outbreak. They should grab a weapon to accompany their magnum and they should form groups and barricade themselves inside of any of the 12 small rooms. Zombies come out when the announcer says "5 minutes remaining", approximately 10 seconds after nightfall. Zombies start off inside an observation box above the map. Inside they can either play with a soccer ball or look below them and observe the humans. When one minute is up, the zombies will be teleported onto the rooftop. From then on, they respawn on the rooftop. Yes, this game is inspired by both Township and Nightfall, just like my other map, Undead Village. Gametypes: Zombies Overrun (The easier gametype): Zombies can be killed with headshots, just like in Undead Overrun in Red Dead's Undead Nightmare, but otherwise they have normal damage resistance and no shields. Zombies have normal speed, more like the original walking zombies in the original Night of the Living Dead (1968) than the sprinters in the Dawn of the Dead remake (2004). Humans start with magnums, a very useful headshot maker. Humans have limited ammo, no shields, no radar, and normal health, jump height, and speed. Real Live Zombies (The more difficult and perhaps better balanced gametype): Zombies cannot be instant killed with headshots, as in this gametype they have non-regenerating normal shields. They also move at 90% speed, slightly slower than in Zombies Overrun. It take more of an effort to kill them now, so teamwork is crucial for survival. Humans start with plasma pistols, so they must find better weapons. They have limited ammo, no shields, no radar, and normal health, jump height, and speed. They have no waypoints above their heads except if they're last man standing. Zombie starting box: Zombie's view of the courtyard from the box: Zombies will be teleported onto the rooftops and will then respawn here: Humans inside a barricaded room under attack by zombies: Zombies attacking multiple rooms: Humans can cover each other's doorways from across the map like so: However, more rocks will appear 3 minutes into the game to make this tactic more difficult.
Alright, simple. I like simple maps. This map reminds me of a map from Halo 3. Can't quite remember it now but anyways, I like this map. It looks clean and neatly Forged. Well, that's all I'm going to say until I see it for myself. I'll get back to you with my thoughts when I get on.
looks good and simple. But exactly how do the zombies enter the map. And does each room only have 1 door? If so will this just not result in the humans surviving until they run out of ammo with the addition of a barricade?
A teleporter will spawn in. Whoops, I thought I had mentioned that in the OP. Yes, each room has only 1 door. The humans have to try and keep the door barricaded to keep the zombies from getting to them. Once the barricades get knocked down, the zombies can easily overwhelm the humans, so it would be best for the humans to attempt to "rebuild" when the barricade get moved.
so the barricades are not to hard to knock down. Sweet i laugh at the thought of being overwhelmed in a small little room. And do the zombies drop out of the air?
Yes, the barricades are very easy to knock down, so the humans have to actually hit the crates back as the zombies hit them. I'll put up a few more pics. The zombies jump down from the rooftops, yes. It's a very basic infection game.
a neat idea: After 3 minutes (spawn time 180) you should have spawn points for the zombies appear on custom power ups. Make these custom power ups a new bread of zombies. With more health or faster speed. Make it harder for the players as they get further into the night.
That's a good idea, but the game is already hard enough for the humans in my opinion. After 3 minutes, a few more rock spires will spawn in, breaking up some of the humans' across-the-map lines of sight.