This is hilarity to its full extent. The below videos are much like Robot Chicken but with Half Life 2 and Garry's Mod is used. I laughed plenty while I watched this.
That = best videos on youtube. I love watching those i thought about posting them myself but i forgot about it. This was posted before. Actually twice. I made the same mistake and didn't search. Anyways. I loved these videos. A friend of mine and even a community I'm in helped with it.
OH. MY. GOD. That was the most messed up, funniest, stupidest, weirdest thing i have seen since the demented cartoon movie
It's better to Necro a thread, then to make another. Either way the search button is there for a reason.
im getting garrys mod in 2 weeks with a new laptop! im so stoked! and i love this video, " DO A BARREL ROLL! " haha best line from starfox
Those were quite possibly the best ****ing videos I have ever seen! I am currently loling to the point that im naked. Thank you, even though I guess this has been posted.