The Hunters

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Random1, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    I think Hunters were a formidable enemy in all of the Halo games. However, in ODST they were borderline OP and just annoying in the night mission. Without spike nades, they were almost unkillable, and just frustrating. Their weakspot has always been their back, but it was very difficult to get to in the aforementioned game, especially due to less predictable AI.
    Due to a similar health system in Reach, I beleive that a simple system should be implemented.

    Hunter Assasination/Boarding

    I beleive, that in order to make Hunters have a weakness without the use of Spike grenades (because they were removed from the sandbox), a simple assasination system should be employed. However, instead of a usuall assasination, a technique similar to boarding a tank should be applied.
    This would work by going around the Hunter, avoiding it's fire, and then "boarding" its back. Either a grenade can be implanted, or a continious punch action can be employed to destroy a sufficient amount of worms to render the Hunter "dead".
    Do you think this would be a good, non-OP technique to be employed in Reach?
    PS: I am fully aware that this will most likely not be in the game, it's just an idea.

    Please read the OP before commenting.

    POCHATKA Forerunner

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    Whelp we've seen assassinations of all the other Covenant (or at least Grunt, Jackal, Elite, etc.) who says there isn't one for the Hunter? There very well might be, but I think the "sweetspot" from which you can trigger the assassination should be very small and a tad difficult to get.
  3. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Naw your smaller than the S 2s so it should be easier, remember Hunters weak spots are the back of the neck and lower back so i assume you will just climb them like an elite and snap dagger to the back of the neck.
  4. AMac

    AMac Ancient
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    o_O hunters hard to kill in ODST? just spray a couple smg clips at them and those bad boys go down. IMO the only thing the smg was good at except for drone killing.

    Anyway, i think hunter assassinations would be sweet in reach. maybe they could come up with some awesome animations that killed both hunters at the same time. i think it would be awesome to see a spartan climb onto a hunters back and repeatedly stab it til it dies.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    A hunter assasination would make hunter less formidable and challenging to kill. I think they should stay pretty powerful toware its actually a big deal when you come across a hunter in campaign
  6. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    There should NOT be an assasination for Hunters. First of all, they're worm things. How can you assasinate worm? You can't break its neck or stab a vital organ. The only thing I can think of is a huge wound which would take as much time as shooting it pretty much. I guess a punching type of assasination wouldn't be that unrealistic if it was repeated stabbing. But I wouldn't want that either because it would make the Hunters weaker, and they need to be stronger like the Halo CE Hunters were.

    Hunters have been pushovers since Halo CE. In CE, they were very tough, smart, and had a smaller spot where you could damage them.

    In Halo 2, most of the time when you ran into them they were fully standing at first giving you plenty of time for open, easy kill shots into their unprotected bodies. It made the rest of the fight pointless because it wouldnt happen since you could kill them while they were still standing up straight. The reason they became pushovers in Halo 2 was because the emphasized hard to kill alien was the Brute. And Bungie did a good job with that I think, although they could have taken a few less shots to kill lol.

    In Halo 3, Bungie tried to make Hunters a little tougher I think because you never run into them while they're fully standing with their bodies unprotected, and you often fight them along with Buggers at the same time. But the Hunter still seemed to take about the same amount of damage. And parts of their armor would still pop off, giving you a huge target that was hard to miss. Hunters still weren't very hard to kill because in Halo 3 the emphasized hard to kill alien were the evolved Flood forms. There was even one of those forms that was VERY similar to Halo CE Hunters. I thought it was a Hunter infected by the Flood the first time I saw it, and only later realized it was supposed to be a pure Flood form or whatever.

    In ODST, I found the Hunters to be about the same as in Halo 3. But the campaign sucked so bad in my opinion I only played it once, maybe twice at the most.

    In Reach, the Elites will be the emphasized hard to kill alien, and they should be. Their time has come.

    Hunters will again be toughened up a little bit, but not too much. They won't be as tough as Halo CE Hunters because Hunters were the emphasized hard to kill alien in Halo CE, and they will not be in Reach because the Elites will be prominent.

    My prediction for the Hunters in Reach is that they will be larger than previous Hunters except for maybe the Halo CE Hunters, they will probably be about the same size. The Hunter armor won't pop off anymore, but the Hunters will take about the same amount of damage to kill as in Halo 3.
    #6 eating lunch, Aug 7, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
  7. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    It will be if they AI the hunter like the Combat Evolved hunters, like Eating Lunch said.
    If they stay in a mostly defensive posture and don't expose there vulnerable areas easily then they will be extremely hard to assassinate, i remember on legendary of Halo CE they never ever let you get behind them, the best way was rockets, or a tank or just try and run them over. Idk why ya'll think an assassination wouldn't kill though i mean if one sniper bullet (which would just go through gelatinous worms) kills then stabbing should.
  8. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I actually believe the opposite.

    Hunters where underpowered I want them to be impossible lol because 2 hunters are meant to be stronger then groups of elites or brutes and are meant to be walking tanks. I always played legendary with all skulls on which upgraded the brutes and elites a lot but barely upgraded the hunters which made them a lesser force at the highest levels of campaign and that's where it really matters I think.

    I'm hoping in Reach there Smart strong agile and you will be afraid to fight them like you where with drones and black eye skull and they have no assassination to make them weaker.

    (I'm a little biased because hunters are my favorite species in the halo universe but I still don't want them underpowered at all like they where in other games)
    #8 WWWilliam, Aug 7, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
  9. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    I dont agree with the assasination idea but if it was implemented I think the best scene would be jumping on their back and sticking a frag under a flap of armour. That way you have added excitement of getting away from the raging hunter before it blows.
  10. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    I think that the assasination should be very difficult to pull off, but should happen. Due to improved AI in HR. Like boarding a tank in H3, you are exposed to a high rate of fire from the turret (Other Hunter) and anyone else who chooses to be shooting you. It will be a high risk high reward strategy, with the Hunter's thrashing attack preventing you from getting too close.
  11. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I want this to happen...

    It would be soooo epic to watch
  12. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    I want them to be hard as hell to kill. It so crazy trying to kill them because it really freaky and fun when you shoot them but they just keep chasing you.
  13. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    I think... wait for it... wait some... just a little longer... okay NOW!

    I just think your bad at halo if you think its hard to kill a hunter.

    Reason being is that they are slow, their gun is a bad one, they are slow, they aren't hard to kill, they are slow, you can throw a grenade at them, and perform a easy ninja on them, they are slow, you can stick them, they are slow, you can jump over them and unload your sniper into their soft spot, they are slow, you can get them to jump off the one level in Halo 3, they are slow, there were only 8 in halo 3 (i think), they are slow, you can use the AI to help kill them, they are slow, you can use your teammate to distract them, they are slow, you can distract them while your teamate kills them, and they are slow.

    Hunters don't need an assassination, they are perfectly fine in their wormy armor stuff. I have only died once from a hunter and that's when my friend and I where trying to see if you could get in between them and their shield whenever they crouch to deflect a grenade.

    Oh and yes they are slow for 12
  14. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    they are fairly easy to kill in Halo 3 for sure. but imagine in HR, where they are bigger, stronger and have more intelligent AI's. they now know when your behind them and are harder to dodge because of their size. a simple way for people to kill them, like the spie grenade in h3 should be assasination. it will be harder to pull off than the spike grenade tehnique, and make them not op.
    i've got the best hunter kill ever though. on the odst mission. i had completely run out of bullets, and hadnt even attacked the hunters yet, so i meleed them both to death.
    Awesomesauce no?
  15. Death by Syrup

    Death by Syrup Ancient
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    Hunters in Halo:CE were stupid and ridiculously easy to kill. Example
  16. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    This is obviously played on easy, like most walkthroughs are. On Heroic/Legendary, or even on normal, one pistol shot to the weak spot would still do f*ck all on CE. But they ARE too easy to kill on Halo 2/3, i remember being scared when i saw them on Halo CE, but they are pushovers now.
  17. Hat

    Hat Guest

    Hunters in every Halo game were stupid and ridiculously easy to kill.

    i never felt like these things were as hard to kill as others think. All you have to do is dodge the fuel rods and get behind them then shot them in the back. Super easy, even on legendary.
  18. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    This why it's best to save heavy weapons instead of just waisting the ammo on grunts. Taking out a hunter or chieftan is easy when you have that rocket launcher saved from the first deployment.
  19. Security

    Security Ancient
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    If you watched the video, he said the pistol is a one-hit kill on all difficulties.
  20. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    :O really? sorry i had it on mute, was listening to tunes :p
    i swear it use to be harder than that when i played CE.. but then again i was only like 8

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