The hunt

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Waterfall, Jun 11, 2012.

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  1. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    (NOTE) I am not agreeing or disagreeing that herobrine exists I am extremely curious on what burnt down my entire village on minecraft xbox360 edition if we have ruled out people,torches,desert biome and lightning many people have turned to the conclusion of herobrine.

    After much consideration I have not come to a conclusion as to what has burnt down my entire village.
    Some people in our game believed it to be the work of herobrine.
    Could it be?
    I have decided to gather a team to investigate further in the matter of herobrine on minecraft Xbox 360 edition.
    To read about the burning of the village click the spoiler below

    It started just like any other day I was working on my public server alone.i got a lot of work done and people then started to join and work on their own houses.
    At this time no houses are located near the church,which is placed behind where we have all of our houses currently. Everybody was working nowhere near the church and it suddenly caught on fire.
    We could not get it all out because the church was so tall but it eventually did its damage and the fires stopped leaving a gaping hole in the church.
    Nobody thought much of it at the time.other than "that's going to be a job to fix"
    Now it gets more interesting.
    While everybody was gathered at the church assessing damage caused by the fire yet another house caught in fire all the way across the village!
    The whole top floor burnt away by the time we had arrived and now we were seriously confused why everything was catching on fire when nobody was near the structures.
    My friends house burnt down to the foundation and my own house suffered severe damage.
    The only house that did not get burnt down was made of wool.
    Eventually we checked the bank we have a vault which is made completely of obsidian.
    The obsidian floor was in fire when we put in the combination for our red stone combination lock!
    We put out the fire and at that point it was only me and my one friend whose house had completely burned down.
    When we came out of the vault my house was on fire again!
    This continued for another hour and then I got off I did not save.
    When I got off there was the saving message " we think 4j studios has removed herobrine from the game but were not sure"
    I have looked up herobrine and some actions that were said online happened such as the fires.
    But apparently I am not the only person who has had almost the same exact situation happen to them.

    Read this short article.

    So with that I am not saying it was herobrine but there was defiantly something about it.
    From the 5 or 6 videos I've seen in this regard they all have one thing in common.
    Objects were burnt down.
    So I will gather a team of eight people myself included and we will go on a investigation to see if we can find an explanation or find proof of herobrine.
    I would like at least ONE person with a decent capture card or capture device for video evidence of what we find.

    Sign up below for the hunt.
    (not sure when the hunt will be there will probely be a series of hunts at different times that will be announced)


    Gamer tag:
    Capture card?yes /no
    Why you Want to come on our hunt.

    Please no comments saying this is stupid he is not real or anything everybody who was there and saw it happen only wants to find out why all of our houses were catching on fire. Myself included so we may be able to prevent it in the future and keep hours of work from being ruined for others.
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i liked the part when your house burnt down
  3. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    I reached for the like button, then I remembered this is 4chub.
  4. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Forgehub needs Like buttons.
  5. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Agreed we do need like buttons.
  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Mojang/4j studies may be doing this just to get a larger fan-base/more popularity/for giggles n' shits. That or people are making up stories for attention. In the off-chance the above aren't correct, maybe herobrine is notch's brother's ghosts and whoever joins this "hunt" will, unknowingly, begin producing "the herobrine ghost project" (wat)

    I'm not saying herborine doesn't exist, I'm just explaining what might be the reasoning for this and suggesting not to get too riled up about eit.
    #6 Monolith, Jun 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
  7. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    We had something called rep and it was very annoying.

    Anyway, Herobrine does not exist. Get new friends.
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    + rep
  9. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    This doesn't warrant a new thread. Keep it in the original Minecraft 360 thread.

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