Hm, havent seen a house in a while, are they back? Looks like a very pretty house, the only one I can think of that involves geomerging. The receiver nodes are a nice touch of aesthetics. Very nice.
# Ok i believe its just that ive played a map with the exact same house before ive been trying to find it, i think mars on my friends list still has it so im waiting on him to come online then youll get to see for your self the difference between the two houses = 0
I love the waterfall, very creative! The house is very clean and you did a great job interlocking! 5/5
I usualy hate House/ Mansion maps but this looks well forged and thought out. I like how you added all those athesetic like the water fall and the front gates and walls as well as a railing on the pourch. good work.
Okay finally I have a chance to comment on one of the best house maps I have ever seen. Okay the One Flag on here really gets the adrenaline pumping, and I've heard that Tyrant is making a special infection gametype for the map(can't make until that comes out). Paulie and Tyrant did a really great job creating this masterpiece and is deffinetly worth downloading. The creative genius with the limited items you have in forge is phanomenal. Good Job to the both of you and make some more awesome works of art. -CaMOfo
Not the most original, but it still looks well-put together and as though it would provide good gameplay.
No matter what I say, please know that I appreciate your attention to detail and effort put into making a clean map. House maps = Phail. Every map I build/like is in that position because it's playable. The point of the Competitive Map section, in my opinion, is to host the most playable maps possible. Now:::: Is it possible to create a playable house map? Yes, yes it is. Will it ever compare to a map with an original design/layout in terms of playability? No, I don't think so. My sole issue is just that. When the focus of the map is not created in the mindset centered on playability, it loses it's "Competitive" touch. A competitive map-maker would say: Someone building a house map would say something more like: See where I'm going with this? I'm not insulting this map at all. ForgeHub's purpose, again in my opinion, is to share maps with each other, to assist others in their map-making, and to learn things from others in the process. In no way am I insulting you or the map, please understand that.
i respect your opinion, house maps are a bit different for competative gameplay, but they do offer a differnt and fun gameplay at times epic, its actually really fun, you should try a one flag match on it ;], theres acutally quite a few points of entry to cover, and firefights in the house get intense.
Whoa, haha. I had no clue who you were. I saw that you weren't the person who posted the map, and I was like, "WTF is this guy????" Anywho, I figured it out. I checked the OP, and I am no longer ignorant. As per your comment, I can see them having a different style. Part of my bias (more than likely) comes from the fact that I've tried several house maps, and they all blowed. I think I read something that said you guys make mostly house maps, so I assume you've seen your fair share of crap ones as well. That being said, my opinion is subject to change. I'll take your challenge and play a game of 1 Flag on it.
I believe house maps come off as bad game play becuase of the multiple horribly forged house maps... We spent time forging the house, consulting both aesthetic forging and competitive game play. While, we reached near our goal, I believe we succeeded and created a wonderful looking house with great game play. The way we created the waterfall, the fence walls, the barrier A signs and few other objects that are sunk into the ground was by using a forging technique called merging objects into the ground. I believe forge hub has a tutorial on the basics of merging. Click here Thanks!
Looks fun in the building you should post up more ofwhats inside cuz it looks great outside is ok but atleast you closed it up. 3/5