The Hot Box

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by demonwarrior, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. demonwarrior

    demonwarrior Forerunner

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    This is my 1st legit map on Halo Reach...

    As of right now i have done a few play test with 4v4... and now I've gone back to fix some issues... this is the most updated version although i have others.... i like this the best

    Please check it out and give me some feedback....

    I'm looking for people to play test it and help on placing objective game-type stuff... CTF assault and so on...

    if anyone does play test it please save the film some i can download it(GT: xDEM0NWARRIORx zero for "O" in demon)... i need footage for a video I'm making....

    thx, hope you enjoy it :)









    #1 demonwarrior, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010

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