lol its a good point but you have to blame the coca cola company for this image. They picked a red nosed fat man because he represented a drunk which would like there drink but kids fell in love with the jolly drunk and presents have taken the place of worship in this holiday .
It was not cold. It was the warmest. Families gathering and enjoying each other, regardless of any religious significance to them, is a toasty warm sentiment. What upsets you about that. Is it that we are celebrating on your day without worshiping your god? Holidays evolve......just like we did. Not believing in Jesus while celebrating Christmas = Donkey Humping? Santa and Christ have one major thing in common.....
Hey, calm yourself! Seriously we are not here to debate religion don't start mouth talking religion in this thread. Regardless of that, Christmas has lost it's meaning to Christianity as a whole. As disappointing as it is it has nothing to do with people losing faith in religion just the misinterpretation is has been reclaiming. You're right in the sense that all families should get together during the festivities. My opinion on the matter is just to let what happens happen. Right? I'll remain Christian and pious to my religion until I die and I'll celebrate Christmas to remind my self of the sacrifice God gave to us and to stay with my family and celebrate another year together! 2010 is around the corner! ^.^
You're getting personal. Not cool. REGARDLESS of whether or not the religion is true (which isn't the topic), the meaning was lost. The donkey humping was an analogy, read it again. Santa (as well as other humans) and Christ have a lot more in common than one thing. Although none of them equate with the similarity you insinuated.
Pretty much christmas to me pretty much is describing the time of year and that the year is coming to an end. I really say them equally in toatal of times or I just say thanks if they say happy holidays or merry christmas. Like prosper said I dont really know why we have to give out huge gifts for christmas. Maybe just small gifts. Same with your birthday too though. I mean why do we get presents or gifts for our birthday too? I am christian but im also slightly swedish so we also celebrate Santa Lucia. Which is when the oldest girl puts a crown of lights on her head on the darkest day of the year.
The gifts are a tradition, based on John 3:16. It started on the philosophy of, "God gave us His only son, let's show our thanks by giving to the people we love." I don't really understand the relevancy of the Santa Lucia statement, unless I'm missing something (I know nothing about it besides what you've told me).
Yeah but I wonder how the tradition got started? Yeah but Santa Lucia is only celebrated in Sweden so not as many people know about it. How did you know that so quickly?
I study the Bible more than most... (but I'm not bragging, it still doesn't mean much, being above the majority in that category) The tradition was probably started in some church a long time ago, I'm not even sure Christmas was officially marked a holiday, but the giving tradition isn't supposed to be the commercialized way....where "What do you want for Christmas" is a conversation starter.
I am Christian and I celebrate Christmas. I talk to the people I know who celebrate Christmas, but usually when I am around people I don't know as much, I try to stick formal and be polite by saying Happy Holidays. You don't know what they celebrate, so its always good to be respectful about the situation.