The best spot on the Pit is behind the pallet near one of the shotgun rooms. It is hilarious. While they're searching the top rooms for you, you'll be giggling as they run past you many times. Sure, you'll get found eventually, but it gives some epic lulz while they're searching.
Drew, come on man. I have home field advantage here, you know better. I wasn't trying to act tough in the slightest, no; I was merely pointing out how easily manipulated his argument was and how simply substituting a few words or terms here and there could turn his own logic against him. I mean, if he disagreed with his own logic, then wouldn't that be classified as hypocritical? I think poorly of the website, not the people running it silly. Oh, and what purple is usually associated with is not an issue, as at ForgeHub it means something along the lines of "helpful user". I do believe that I helped the Topic Creator with my earlier witty banter, he certainly seemed grateful. I personally wouldn't make use of hiding during matchmaking, but it doesn't mean that I would go right out and insult somebody for having a bit of harmless fun. Kthx .
Agreed As for the topic of discussion, in the another good one is on Guardian. Also known as "green" if your familiar with MLG call outs. Brute shot up until you reach the top of the "mountain" in that region. From there you can simply drop into a pocket of it that looks over "elbow." If you need help finding some then add me on Xbox Live. I someyimes do it in matchmaking. GT: Xanon
Understood, however, just because you disagreed with his point of view, you didn't need to even consider bringing up LG, seeing as how it had no relevance to the HLG hiding spots. So once again, you were your "witty" self, and made another attempt to flame a new, growing community. Regardless of whether you were just playing with his words, you still chose to play with them on that road.. For my sake, I would greatly appreciate it if you left the harsh words out back.
guys, this a thing to find and post HLG spots, there is a HLG debate going on in the Debates forum, i am simpl,y looking for those spots
I have one on Epitaph. It's not great but it's funny. Hide near where the power drainer is on the yellow lift. Sometimes it works, sometimes they notice you straight away. It's funny nonetheless. I prefer hiding spots where they have a chance of finding you, it's much funnier that way. Btw Darkdragon, I love HLG. Not because I suck or hate others, but because it's quite exciting at times and is also quite funny. Perhaps we could HLG in doubles sometime?
Iced insulted HLG for their points of view, I insulted LG - the site that Iced represents - for their points of view. So once again, I was indeed my "witty" self and made an attempt to defend another community - HLG. Just because I'm not a part of HLG and I am a part of LG does not mean I don't look at both sides of the argument, Drew. "Play with fire and you're going to get burned" the analogy goes, correct? But sure. I have no intention to flame LG as a whole, only a few individual users that I disagree with; I'm not unreasonable, as I'm sure you've made me out to be.
HLG is a legitamite strategy and is accepted by bungie (do it only in social though so they dont lose anything) i use it all the times\, the secret is to send them annoying pm's till they quit also i got a place but do i have to post pics?
Considering most HLG knowledge is publically available it is becoming easy enough to find people if you actually prepare for it.
ahh, but its still usea ull in custom games now isnt it and BTW PLEASE DO NOT DISCUSS HLG there is "hiding in halo 3" debate in the debate forums.