This is one of my newest maps, a two story figure 8 structure built for infection games. The zombies start above and drop down through any one of 5 holes. The lower area has some small tunnels with some slightly larger rooms connecting them. Slayer games have rockets spawned on top floor, but infection games have custom powerups and firebombs. This map was designed for the Hornets gametype which allows the zombies to periodically pick up the firebombs, and zombies can be killed with head shots like swat. I have set this map up for all gametypes but have not tested them all so let me know if you find any glitches. Speedball is fun on this level as well. Click Here To Download
Holy crap that is one of the best maps I have ever seen and it is the best second map post I have ever seen. The interlocking is awesome, the aesthetics are great, and the design is flawless but I have to ask, is the rocket too powerful in this enclosed map? There should be more descriptions and maybe an overview picture without the roof. Looks really fun. 5/5
Nice, looks awesome, I will download and have a ForgeThrough and come back with my final thoughts. . . Additionally, is it only set up for Slayer, Oddball and Infection?
Looks like a very smooth map, just, with the pictures you gave us it is hard to understand how the gameplay would work. I'll give it a look.
Man this map looks really great. It looks like there is absolutely no flaws in the map. But I might agree with the person before me mentioning about the rocket launcher, if its too powerful for this enclosed map. But I'm sure its not too powerful. Great job, Love the name, too bad Bungie didn't make it to where you could paint colors, because you would def. have to go with Yellow since its a "Hive". Big Time Hug Sir. Oh and the Energy Shield door that you go through, it reminds me of Halo Combat Evolved Campaign. I can't recall the level right now, but its where they are on the Covenant Ship, and you fall through things, its all purple, blue, and pink. None the less BIG HUG
wow the interlocking is great on the map the stairs into the boxes and the overall structure are just great 5/5
best first post ever. amazing work, i don't see how you had enough objects but you did. looks well designed and complicated, in a good way, 5/5
I'm not sure how this map works (not your fault, it looks like it'd be hard to take pictures that made perfect sense), but it looks amazing, fun, and worthy of a download. Good job.
Final Thoughts Hi there, So yeah I had a quick ForgeThrough and I've got to say this is a Stunningly Beautiful Map. Its amazing in so many levels. The Map Layout and Design- Is flawless! It looks Great. I mean its very Aesthetically pleasing. Basically in the pictures it looks great but when playing it, its much better. Placements- Spawner's are setup fine. Theres loads of Equipment, I dunno if thats to do with the particular gametype but it could be a problem. . . or not! I haven't played the HORNETS gametype with it. Weapons & Grenades work well. Again the Custom Power Ups' respawn time is on 30 i dunno if thats meant to be that way because of the gametype but i don't know. OVERALL- *****(5 Stars) Brilliant Recommended Download from me!
I clicked the link to this thread thinking this was the shitty map from Bungie Favorites (also called "The Hive"). Your map was a pretty pleasant suprise, it looks great. Kind of reminds me of a movie called "The Cube" but anyways you've got my download lol.
After seeing the pics I must say that this is one of the most unique and origonal foundry maps made in a long time! I love your idea with multiple balls on this map. I have never played that other than in 3 ball and never on a map made in forge! Though I bet it must be amazing fun in an enclosed space like this! Your map looks very good. In my opinion this is definately worth a download! Great job!
hey and welcome to forgehub! this looks like a really fun map. love the interlocking. its also a good idea making a zombie gametype that is competitive and doesnt give either zombies nor humans too much power. i accually had the same idea a week ago i would post it but i only know how to post it as a thread on bnet forums. if anyone could help it'd be greatly appreciated.
well, a map would be nice, something that shows the layout from above, but from what i can see, its a very nice map, 4/5 good job.
wow this is one great looking map all the merges look perfect and the gamplay would be interesting because it looks like its a circle. I'll dl later 5/5 for a great map