The Heist DMRs is a one life capture the flag slayer gametype. So Bungie released CTF Slayer in the Flagstravaganza playlist and I believe the gametype works out better than it did before as simply CTF. It is still mostly a one sided capture the flag game. One team starts off on defense and the other on offense. A single point is rewarded for each kill, but 10 points are rewarded for capturing the flag. Only two shots with the DMR or magnum are needed to take down an opponent, and melee damage is reduced. Assassinations are still enabled. The game plays out more like elimination slayer than Capture the Flag generally. The flag is there more or less to just reinforce the two teams' roles as defending and attacking the building. Rarely will a round end with a flag capture. Some people have said that it sort of plays out like Hardcore Search and Destroy. Rounds usually end very quickly, making for a very short game as there are only four rounds. Take your time and be tactical when you're on offense. Communicate. When you die, feel free to help out your teammates by telling them where the enemy is. Maps to use for this? I will add some to this post eventually. The TD Bank (Made by XLR8TER and Boardn2da Hoops) is compatible for starters. Want to make a map of your own for the gametype? Go right ahead. Here's an example of how the game plays out on a crappy map I made called Office Bravo: The Heist DMRs on Office Bravo - YouTube
I remember play testing this with a bunch of people. It's great if you're looking to play fast paced, casual games with a bunch of people. Good job. 7/10
I really wish this gametype would become more popular because this has easily become one of my favorite gametypes to play with. If you play this with a full party the fun is even greater just because of how realistic this game is since you die so easily and you only have one life. This strongly encourages teamwork like no other game which is the best reason to play this. There's only one minor inconsistency, being that there really is not a lot of motivation to capture the flag once a lot of either your or your enemies' teammates have died. Then it just becomes, "There's only three people left on red team, just kill them and end the game." But that's only minor, like I said and shoudn't stop you from playing this. I love the feeling when I jump into a a dangerous room (like the room with the cubicles in Office Bravo) and enemies can pop our of nowhere and having my teammates watching my back. To everyone out there, please, just play this game, it's a whole lot of fun with a full party, especially if they all have mics. Sorry for the long block of text but I just want people to know how great this game is.