The Harbor Side The Harbor Side is a aesthetic / casual map. It consists of, an accessable building that has 2 floors with boxes on the first floor and a bed with a sheet and table on the second floor, another accessable building with 2 floors, on the middle floor has a table and a couch and in the basement is all kinds of junk to look like an unfinished basement, it has a laundry shoot behind the garage door, along with this house is a garage that you can get on top of, it has a mongoos and is accessable from inside and outside, a nonaccessable two story building, the harbor side with some pillars and the water is accessable and you can take cover in it because it has junk that people in the city threw in there, a railing there and you can get out of the water, detail in the streets and on buildings, the sewer has two straight section that are as long as the level itself, and you can get out of them at one end and that end has some details. PICS The Harbor Side The Center of the City The Sewers There is a huge variety of weapons on this map, including a hidden flamethrower too. Please rate and comment!!! ENJOY!!!! ~ Echo SQ Leader
Once again this looks like a good map from the pics T_T (i don't think i need to say what i want). This map looks a lot like a harbor with the aesthetic work you did with it. And buddy, your flamethrower isn't so hidden it's right in the second pic. And SLOW DOWN WITH YOUR POSTS!!!! I fear you're going to have a lot less downloads than you should have; just because of the hastiness of your posts.
i would add more pics or add an overview of the map cause it saves room any ways this looks really nice and well made great job