The Hanger An awesome map full of non-stop action. map : : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing gametype : : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Enjoy!
i guess this is a cool foundry map, but could be better with more of a layout. 4/5 though for a cool idea
So you have to stay in the back, that is clever. I never would have thought of that. You should make like a giant aesthetic airplane in the hanger area. That would be sick.
i see some nicely interlocking bridges, pretty basic gameplay, but none-te-less fun. Maybe throw some cover, so thers no sniper camping.
i like the way you used the bridges, and the fact that its in the back. but perhaps it's a bit TOO confined. what if you made another version, but stretched it to go around the middle wall. that way there'd be two ways to get to the other side
This a very cool idea and concept! I think tunnels going around the back would be great. Other than that I think the only thing it would be good for is conquest. Great idea but I think it needs a little work and more passageways. If you take this advise I would definately download the new version
I like the concept, but have a few suggestions. 1) Armories are generally bad, but yours seem decent. Simple AR/BR placement wouldn't affect gameplay too much and could look nice aesthetically. Steer clear of power weapons like the shotgun though, they ruin gameplay if they are present in excess. 2) The flow of the map seems to need a little tweaking. From what I can see, the hallway entrances to the two bases are undefended by any turret or cover, while the outer entrances are killing grounds for the turrets. This would result in player movement focusing in the hallway and ignoring the excellent outside areas you have created. May I suggest taking a leaf from ShockTheta's Citadel and using a shield-door/man-cannon combination to make the hallway entrances into exits only? 3) The back hallway is where most of the action will be taking place, but it seems barren. Add cover to spice up the action a bit. Also, that central door is a natural choke point; do something crazy with it! My initial idea is a barrier of pallets protected on both sides by shield doors; Its a door that has to be meleed down! If you want any help send me a message, I'll be glad to lend a hand. GT=Jester LS
i think it looks brilliant personally. I like the aesetic touches and the fact that you've used the back part of foundry. Its a very original idea and one youve done well. 4/5.
you cant get to the vehicles, unless you use a different gametype. i thought the hanger would look cool. thanks for all the feed back i will make a V2 soon!