The first one I made about 4ish months ago called Cheese on The Hamburger. Its extremely hard in some parts and easy in others. It took around a month to make, lots of testing and making it look nicer. You need the custom VIP gametype Cheese for it. Cheese on the Hamburger This is the first part, this is VERY difficult. Mainly quick jumps, and an odd radar jump. This is the second level, you need to find the grav lift and double radar jump to the other side. And after that you need to drive the mongoose through a difficult obstacle course. This is a very easy level 3. Its pretty much a diving board trampoline and once you go through the teleporter, you need to get to the other teleporter while you are falling. This is a jumping part of the map. need to get to the mancannon and go through the hole. This is very easy to cheat, but it would be pointless for you to even play it if your going to cheat. Map Download - Gametype - ______________________________ Blue Dots on Cowzilla I personally think that this is my best map so far. This is also my latest map, Blue Dots on Cowzilla. This has some very hard and complicated parts, and also some easier parts as well. It has a quadruple radar jump, quadruple flare jump, jump juggling, slow mo track (kinda like Walk to Wizard ), and lots of other stuff. It took me about 2 and a half months to complete and test this. Enjoy. This is the starting point and it's pretty much the hub. I marked the teleporters with SMG's so you know which is which. This is the quadruple radar jump, and showing most of the st level. This is the part that you get the grav lift for the rocket/grav lift jump. Showing the tipmine rocketjump, and the quadruple flare jump. This is to get to a couple VIP checkpoints and a checkpoint. Gotta juggle the power drainer and bubble shield up to the teleporter, other stuff I'm not going to say. Get to the Kill Ball and finish the map. It might take a while though Map Download - Gametype - Theres alot of stuff I'm not going to say or show. Have fun and thanks for checking out my maps. Love Stevo I'm working on one on Guardian at the moment. I don't know how good it will be but I'm going to try to make it best as I can.
can't get past the first part, 2 teleporters kill you, 1 traps you, only 2 things to jump on if you go right, how is this possible or fun?
you have do a quick jump off the ledge and get to the checkpoint. Its VERY hard, but its pretty fun if you can do it! Ill show you Friday or Saturday on how to do it if you dont understand still.