Hello people of the Earth, and welcome to my first forum post here at Forgehub. I know we all love Halo: Combat Evolved (and if you don't then you're a filthy earthling), and now with Reach we can even rebuild all the maps and mimic the gametypes and gameplay from the original game. Now, over two months after release, there are a lot of great remakes of CE maps out there. Many of them have very good geometry, but they all lack the original weapons, spawn points and objectives! I have tried to remedy a cure for this, it was very tedious, time consuming and possibly pointless. But golly, I don't have anything better to do. Luckily there's a map editor for Halo PC where all this information is easily found. So it was just a matter of transferring it into Reach... [note: I didn't make my own maps, I modified other people's maps] Pretty Pictures It's important to consider a player's wall perspective as he spawns Working around differing geometry And of course spawn points, weapons and powerups differ between CTF and the other gametypes, forcing me to make two versions of every map (Derelict has three!). CTF isn't allowed to play with the other kids Gameplay And then there's the gameplay. For movement I think 100% speed, 90% jump height and 75% gravity feels quite good. I timed running between the bases on Blood Gulch to be 40 seconds in Halo PC and 41 seconds in Reach with 100% speed so that's quite close. The jumping doesn't really feel the same but it's good enough. Armory Abilities should obviously be left out. When it comes to weapons I think they should just translate 1:1 between the games. Sure the balancing is different but I think it will work. Oh and here's a chart over starting weapons. Sharing is caring When it comes to sharing these files I'm afraid they wouldn't even fit in a Bungie Pro fileshare. And I don't even know if there's any interest! Also I'm not sure what the general policy is on modifying and redistributing other people's work. If you want to see these maps I'm always up for playing them and you can get them that way. I also need to do a lot of testing, perhaps some objectives aren't working or whatever. If you want to play/test these maps please reply in this thread, and if enough people show interest perhaps we can coordinate an event. And I almost forgot I actually had some questions for you folks. Question #1 Blood Gulch as you know has one Warthog, two Ghosts and one Scorpion per base. The default gametypes (except oddball) in CE gives you only the one Warthog for each base, but in Reach when you set vehicle set to Warthogs it transforms the Ghosts and the Scorpions to Warthogs giving me way too many Warthogs and making me type Warthog too many times. As a workaround I hid the other vehicles in forge by setting Gametype-specific to true. Is there any better workaround? Question #2 Some maps have a powerup that can either be an Overshield or Active Camouflage. Is there any way to emulate this sort of randomness in Reach? I'm guessing not... Thank you and merry Earth Christmas.
With the new forge abilities, like phasing objects and fixing them to the air or in place is one of the many tools that really help fellow forgers try to recreate these maps. I saw a really nice remake of Guardian, and a wonderful remake of Battlecreek as well, i forgot the forgers gt's tho. It's possible to remake a lot of these maps now, but questions like proper scaling and weapon placement, even spawn placing can be very stressful at times. Great first post man.