You should totally put weapons on it! This doesn't really look like a competitive map, definitely a casual map, so you should fill it with crazy weapons like (but not limited to) flamethrowers, rocket launchers, FRCs etc. I would imagine a Rocket FFA game would be EPIC!
I have seen a map like this, except it just had teleporters in single box's. You executed it alot better! 4/5
LOL ROFL LOL ROFL LOL ROFL LOL ROFL COPTER N00bS CAKES LOL ROFL I love how u had the idead of this map it made me LMAO lol hahah cant stop laught DL FOR ME! lol 5/5 for creativity
Oh i really like this, mind if i use it in one of my videos sometime in the future? I just downloaded it, i could totally see us using the whole benny hill theme song chase thing on here haha.
Whoa, a map that Drawingman wants to use in his vids must be a good map. For some reason those pics took a while to come up, so I had to scroll back and forth to read it, lol. I never really watched much or any scooby doo, but I was fully aware of this style of chase scene as its replecated in several other cartoons. ANway, onto the map. It looks like chaotic gameplay is what it provides, a lot of fun and shouting. A few things I really like are the choice for dumpsters and the location. I love that you made this over the foundry grates. But what really impressed me was that Trash its amazing. I'll be sure to dl this and check it out.
They would be good infection map .. The zombie is the villain chasing the gang .. =] Great idea ! And nicely done! =]
Lol I tried to make one of those doors before and it didn't work, oh well... anyways I love the map 5/5... damn I wish I had another one of those days again.
Haha thanks everyone. -Drawingman if you really want to go for it nothing holding ya back. -Linubidix thanks for all the complements the trash took up 430 hours of the 500+ hours I used to work on this map lol. It was crazy hard!! Geomerging and everything! it took me a few tries but i finally got the trash to look like... well, trash. -Infection would be insane but im afraid that the game will go by in 30 seconds tops haha. That wouldnt fit for a good game... unless i tweeked up the game type, maybe. BUT i cant do anything for now. The horrid feared RRoD has stricken my 360 with its terrible plague of... redness... bleh.
HAHA this the greatest idea ever! I can just imagine someone making a video of this with the sounds from scooby doo.
LMAO! OMG I never thought of this. You must have been seriously high! JK. This is very clever. You should make a gametype where everyone is very fast and has to assassinate for points. That would be funny.
Dude that is absolutely made of instant win. I can't wait to download this and fool around with my friends with the door system. 5 star all the way. Woo!
I did lol. Those are just the reciever nodes. I would geomerge them but i suck at that extremely bad...
This is a hilarious post. The map is ... interesting but I love your sense of humor. The door teleporters look cool too.