The Gutter

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SVV33T SAUC3, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    The Gutter
    BY : SVV33T SAUC3

    Hello conquest lovers and map browsers, it is I, the not so infamous SVV33T SAUC3 and I'm here to present to you my latest creation, The Gutter. The Gutter was originally made on Foundry during Forgehub's conquest competition which is also when I fell in love with the gametype we all know and love called conquest. It originally was bland and only had one grating. Now it is super sexy and has two gratings and really curved passages. It was started around the time of Sandbox's release and was abrubtly stopped for several months out of my sporadic laziness. I then picked it back up off the ground and dusted it off one dull summer day in need of something to do. I built upon it furthermore and stopped again. About a month later, I sat down and finished it in about another six hours of forging in my self loathing of not finishing it before. Well, here is the finished product of my severe labor. I hope you enjoy it more than I enjoyed forging it because I truly hated forging it. It was . . . difficult to say the least.

    WEAPONS (Per Base)
    Brute Shot x1
    Sniper Rifle x1
    Plasma Nade x1
    SMG x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Frag Nade x1

    The weapons presented in The Gutter were chosen for their gameplay value. The sniper can be powerful when used in the window if you have a quick trigger finger.
    The bruteshot is just powerful enough in the wide halls of The Gutter to be called a power weapon.
    The Plasma Rifles and SMGs definetly play an important role in this map in holding back the enemy when your back against the wall rather than pushing forward into enemy land.
    Lastly, the grenades are both on spawn times that will promote the gameplay thouroughly.

    Here are some of the pictures from our testing sessions.

    These are to give you an idea of the maps layout. Then I'll give you some action shots.

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    One of the bases. They are both identical.

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    Coming up the ramp out of the base.

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    Just outside the base before the corner.

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    Just around the corner and across the grating.

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    The stretch to the middle turn and the window to the right.

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    The middle of the map and the cog on the inside of the turn.

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    Hiding in the cog works, but not all the time. Be wary of cog lurkers! It could turn the tide of the battle for the good or the bad to hide in the cog's sprockets.

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    The easiest way to avoid being jumped from the cog is to run around the corner as a group so you can kill him before he kills you.

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    A great place to snipe from if you don't get teamed.

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    The battle field grows silent for the moment.

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    One on ones are rare, but winning that battle could mean winning the game for your team.

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    As I always say when sudden death starts like an angry **** Officer
    "To your last breath, FIIIGGGGHHHHTTTT!!!!!!"

    That's all the pictures I've got.
    Now here is a thankyous list:



    He's on there because he did something no other human could even begin to comprehend without having to do it themselves. Nothing. He sat in my game for six hours as I forged and sang some music from A Skylit Drive very poorly. He never left, except to eat lunch and dinner. Then he helped test this along with my other friends and some strangers.

    It was fun testing. I hope you all enjoy it too. Also . . .

  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Looks pretty sweet, i get know why you said you hated doing it that grating is so smexy but i bet it was a pain in the ass. Anyway i'll dl and play later then edit my post but for the time being a 4.5/5 very clean kinda simple yet very nice aesthetics.
  3. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    I agree with him ^ its nice and very neatly forged I also say the grating must of been a pain in the ass. 4.5/5

    P.S I am pretty sure that its the russian officer (reznov) that says TO YOUR LAST BREATH. FIIIIIGGGGHHHHT!
  4. xItZ JENKiNSx

    xItZ JENKiNSx Ancient
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    Yay 4 tha gutter!!one!! This is a definite download for any territory grabbing fan on this site. Im glad to see more conquest map being uploaded on FH and you uploaded a pretty damn good one to. This is clean from top to bottom and gameplay is at its finest. Good job Bill!

    PS: Why in the hell are people rating it 4.5. They should leave that to the professionals.
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Looks great. I saw this a while back and thought it was very cool. I cant help but love the grated area... Everything looks pretty legit so I will download this, thumbs up!
  6. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    Wow! Very impressive. I love the grated area. I would have never thought of doing that
    #6 Imnickjames13, Oct 30, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009
  7. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I know you said you put alot of hours into this and it does show trust me, but there are alot of cracks where nades (depending on the version of conquest you use) will go through the cracks. Still its a very very very impressive map but some of the little cracks could use some filling in.
  8. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
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    this map pwns and the action shots like it has very intense gamplay
  9. Asset 4 Life

    Asset 4 Life Ancient

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    love it 1 , hopefully someday ill play this in matchmakeing :)

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