The Grotto The Grotto is a fun little map I threw together over the weekend. I wanted to get away from the cold metallic feel many forge maps have, and make a map which feels very natural and organic. I've built the grotto in the water cave on hemmorage, and added an Orange SFX to give the map a slightly darker tone. The map is quite small, but should be fun for some 2 on 2. Currently only supports slayer and CTF. Give it a peek n tell me what cha think. Weapons Plasma repeater x4 Needle Rifle x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Needler x2 Beam Rifle x1 Sword x1 I didn't really put weapon balance into great consideration, I just wanted stuff that would look cool in the dark. =] Red Base Blue Base Sword room Destructable sheild door Download here
Ey man, so I played this and it's a pretty awesome map. I especially like that you mixed it up from the norm and went with something more natural feeling. I like working on maps that utilize similar traits. To the point, the shield door is really nice, but is a mofo to get past, even with the sword. I couldn't find a way past it without crouching. Not a problem per-say, but I feel it inhibits the flow, imo. I'd maybe use a short wall or sandbags to delineate between the bases. The Orange is cool as well for the effect, and I love the mood it sets, but I had to switch my TV's to even analyze what you got(not too much work for me, but might turn others off). Consider using Next Gen or Next Gen+Purple and it will be less dark, but enough to be convincing of a cave. Other than that, I think its a beautiful and original map. Keep up the interesting maps like this and Clawdaddy! Hope my critique can be useful. :]
I apprecaite the feedback Pheno. Sorry bout the map bein' so dark. I originally wanted it darker, I considered using Orange + Juicy so that one could only see the gunflashes and plasma trails from there opponents, but I didn't do that because obviously its a real pain in the butt to navagate through. Juicy by itself lends a nice effect to the map, I may just go with that since I forgot not everyone's TV is adjusted to cope with such low lighting. I kinda wanted the sheild door to inhibit the flow of players from one base to the other. The red and blue rooms are so close I figured I needed something in the way to keep one team from flooding into the others teams base. I can always do, as you said,and nix the sheild door later. Either way I haven't seen a door like that built before, and even if it doesn't quiite fit in this map- I like the way it functions, and looks; I plan to use it on maps in the future. Again thanks for the constructive critque, it's always apprecaited and welcome. Also thanks for DL'ing the map, I'm glad you enjoy it. =]
THis map is very aesthetically appealing...and it has a look most maps dont becasue you didnt use the usual metal you have a weapons list for the map? I can see that you have a sword on the map already...
I agree, juicy could compliment the map as well. Anything besides regular light, which makes the ground under the walls noticeably brighter (as I'm sure you noticed). The shield door is definitely unique, hats off to you for that one as I've never seen it before. I get what you mean about the bases being so close, and I thought that might factor in to why you used it. I agree there needs to be a flow inhibitor there, so sandbags might not slow things down enough for that. Another idea could be to use less shields, but still make the door as badass as you did. Maybe two shields set up horizontal, or two vertical. Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be creative and work out.
Its funny when reach first came out I made a cave with the same layout, but yours is so much cooler looking. I love the lava walls, shield door and the blue water cave. The only problem with the layout is that its just a big circle with only two possibilities for travel. You cant really help that because of where you built this but gameplay will just be traveling in circle.
lol, and u call one of my maps weird. That was one of my reactions to the pics. But second, i thought this map looks cool. A bit to dark maybe. Weird maps can be just as good.
Another good map . I like that it is 2 v 2 . Nice to use for small custom games. And the colouring looks really cool and the weapons look good in battle. I have done something similar with portable coveron my new map due to be published. But I had made long before seen on this map. Nice work and some great aesthetic touches and great use of the rocks and surrounding cave
I love the maps look, but the 2 ways netween the bases are a real bummer, especially because neither way through is very large. Teleporters way be your only option if you do want to put in another route. What if you put a 2 way teleporter near each base entrance on the lava/waterfall side that lead to a small neutral cave made in the coastline-canyon cave to keep the natural/dark appearance. The teleporters could be disguised as small caves with waterfalls you are falling into, and this third route could promote more CTF gameplay and give a few more areas to fight in, because this is a very small map. I love how original the map feels and would like to see it go farther! Great job, contact me if you ever want to playtest it.