A small, tight, circular Grifball map the ball spawn red spawn blue spawn place the bomb on the exploding stone (the ball plant point is inside) Ka-Blammo! the filters are juicy to start with, then a few others turn on at sudden death (3 mins). I call it the borderlands filter some more contrast shots of that the ball is slightly encased in stone A few rounds worth of my team getting SMASHED in a league game. this one was just for fun [bungievid]110166152[/bungievid] *download THE GRIFDOME *download GRIFDOME 2v2 4 spawn points for 2v2 play *download GRIFDOME2020 with no light filters, for those who hate them. *download GRIFBALL!
Lose them filters and we've got a deal, or atleast remove the nova filter and this would be fairly awesome to say the least EDIT: realized that you made a seperate map w/o them. Alot of people hate them though
This looks really nice. Maybe a small touch up to the merging. Challenge: Invert the whole thing! I had this idea but I would never have the patience to forge it.
NO WAY. hehe. I have little patience for merging and this took ALL OF IT. if someone else wants to invert it, I would LOVE to see that
This looks great. A little small, but still amazing. I personally love the filters (hahaha borderlands filter so i am glad you didnt delete them. My only peeve is that it is a little small. But i love the idea of a circular griffball court, that is brilliant because thats really how the game plays anyway. The corners are already suicide, why keep them? I would totally take you both up on this, but i got several things of my own first!
This map belongs in the mini-games section, dude. A mod should move this thread there when he sees this post.