Was bored tonight and this is what I wrote. A new house had just been finished on Mount Topple Ave. The sun was bright today. The white paint on the newly finished house glistened from every angle. People in the town would stop and gawk at this newly finished house. It’s as if time stood still whenever someone looked at the house. That moment. That very single moment. Was priceless, to be remembered by that person for the rest of their lives as if this house played an important role in their life, but it had not. A newlywed couple with a young boy moved into the house not to long after it was finished. For many, this house was the talk of the town, but for a few… it would house a sense of anger and resentment. The house proudly towered over a corner of Fye and Woodrow drive. It was a busy corner, not because of heavy traffic, but because many passerby’s would park their cars in the middle of the street to look at this house. It was the most perfect house with the most perfect family in all of history. Everyone envied this heavenly family; they wanted to live in that house. As years passed by the boy grew older, often playing in the backyard helping his father fix and build things. He was young and naïve at the time, but in time he would grow to be a strong-willed individual later in life. His mother would cook meals every night that she was home, but his father would take him out to get fast food when he was with him. Soon the mother would give birth to a second son. This young boy was way more rash than the older brother. The younger brother not wanting to be controlled would spitefully suck all of the water out of the toilet with a vacuum cleaner. The parents often argued about how to discipline the boy, but as time would tell love would overcome discipline. As the boys grew, the parents seemed to drift apart. The father had a huge heart and wanted to give both of them, what he could never have. So, he gave them everything they wanted. The mother wanted her boys to grow up to understand responsibility, so she continued to discipline them. As the fall leaves blew from house to house, the weather changed. Both boys were now young men, they fought often as brothers normally do, but the father was especially hard on the older brother. Could it have been that the father was the youngest out of his family and wanted to protect the younger brother? The father had a rough up bringing often eating ketchup sandwiches and getting bullied by his older brothers. Maybe the father knew what it was like to be helpless and he wanted to protect the younger brother. Over the next few years the older brother grew distant from his mother, father, and brother. His father, because he always chose the younger brothers side. His mother because she was too stern with him. His brother for always getting his way. He shut the door and would think to himself hours on end “Why is this happening to me?” “What did I ever do wrong?”. So the older brother changed his ways and became like them. As time drifted on, the parents became even more separated. They couldn’t agree on a parenting style, which would only fuel the fire to they’re explosive fights. The young boys could do nothing to stop their parents from drifting slowly apart. It was as if they were looking through the glass of a store front watching what was going on, but couldn’t intervene what so ever. Time was not good to the house or the family living inside of it. The fresh paint withered and cracked. The grass dried up and spotted all over the lawn. Dirty dishes lay inside of the sink and on the counter top. Boxes lay around with packed up belongings. The family had grown apart, the house was in shambles. The house was no longer the talk of the town. No longer did people stop and gawk at the shiny new house. Everyone went about their own business as did the family inside. The story is not all sad and has yet to be told. Keep your chin high and your brow moist, because opportunity is always knocking you just have to answer the door.
This was a pretty interesting story. Very well written, I love your style. However, there are a few grammar mistakes you can prove on. But this may have not been intended to be totally professional and if so then this essay is just about perfect.
That was pretty good. Just like Skisma, I love your style. There are few short texts that I enjoy reading, but that was nice.
It was alright, but a few arcs felt unresolved to me. It is a short story, though, and the intent of the story was made clear fairly quickly, but a few more paragraphs with the repercussions of their actions could have made it better. I understand that it was likely something you did quickly, and on a whim, so its probably not entirely worthwhile expanding on certain areas. Something to think about though, should you decide to continue working on it.