The Grand X (It has 4 bases!) This map was inspired by a large amount by Skibur's Wee Warehouse which is great. But I hope that mine is different enough that it play differently, so I endeavoured to make it such. The map has 4 bases, to start. It also has what initially appears to be too many power weapons, but then you remember that there are 4 teams, and it makes more sense. You can also see the purple glow in the middle. That is the camo and the overshield in the same place. They don't both start there though, the camo starts and respawns every 90 seconds, while the overshield doesn't spawn until the third minute. In this way I tried to recreate the random powerup spawns that appeared on some Halo 2 maps. (when both powerups are present, it picks up the Overshield instead of the camo.) (How many power weapons?) Well, there is a rocket launcher, 2 snipers, and 2 shotguns on this map, which isn't all that big. The only way to get the rocket launcher is to jump from one of the platforms, and you can't get the rocket launcher and both of the same power weapon in one jump. There are other weapons too: BRs in corners of the main arena, ARs leaning on the fence walls near the corners, and then there are the weapons in the bases and the upper ring. This is a cross section of one of the two primary bases, where the Attackers and Defenders spawn in CTF and Assault. You can see here all of the equipment and weapons in either base: a regen, a trip mine, a brute shot, a BR and a carbine leaning against opposite walls, and a pair of plasmas in a back corner. The objectives in objective based games are behind that wall in the back. And now the cross section of the secondary base, for team 3 or 4. The BR, Carbine, and Plasma grenades are the same, but instead of a brute shot there is a needler and replacing the regen and trip mine are a power drain and deployable cover, respectively. And the last piece is the upper ring, accessible ONLY by hopping on one of the crates in the main arena. Along with passing both snipers and both shotguns in the circuit, you also will pass over pairs of spikers, SMGs, Plasma Rifles, and Magnums in the corners. Another interesting note is that you can bounce frag grenades around corners, giving you an advantage even before you know your enemy. This is my first map with interlocked objects, so let me know what you think.
This map looks good. I think I see some interlocking which is great. I got all excited for a second when I saw the first screenshot because the invisibility on my computer looks purple so I thought their might be a new type of power. That would be cool though, custom colored powerups. Anyway, looks well done, good job.
I'm glad to see that my map is going through it's second revival... more than a month after I posted it. I may be looking a gift horse in the mouth, but this seems a little bit like trolling. Also note that this was one of my first interlocked maps on foundry, and by looking at it right now, I hav see about 8 different ways to escape the map. IF I get a lot of feedback, I may remake and block that section. But that is a big If knowing how my map threads usually go...