Hello, given the advanced nature of Reach, I decided to release the rest of my maps as one unit. Trinity 1.7a 2-8 players you probably already know about this one so this section will be short. Essec 2-4 players Essec is a small 2v2 map located deep within the depths of the installation 04 "Lost World" 2-8 players this map has not been play tested The name was originally a place holder, but it stuck, Lost world is reminiscent of a certain halo 2 map and is a USNC staging ground
No **** sherlock. Anyways, sad to see these are the last maps youll be releasing for some time, but what Ive seen what you've made, I dont think weve really seen what you're fully capable of yet. Though H4 could possibly expand on whats possible, I believe theres much more to be made in reach.