I made these on a whim and made it a series, hoping to do more, for different people. here are the ones I have done: (These were just people that were on when I got to the text) ZCT Mace: (least favorite) Juggz: Huntar: (feel free to rotate or whatever to use, if you want) KK: J4M Nuster: Youtuber: Hells: Donii: Skittles: Pigglez: KB: Hari: Esorry its not the best...)
I am loving your new style. I love Mace's and Juggz. ZCT's is pretty cool also, but I don't like that shade of green for the text, and some parts of the C4Ds need to be blurred, imo. Other then that, great job! can't wait to see more of this style.. *cough* tut *cough*
not really going for perfection just something to flex my muscles on...Is there a style? I tried to make each one with a different style...thats why they took so long, and the text, still not happy with any of the text work.
When I talked about new style, I meant the wire frames in Juggz signature. I never learned to use them.. It was the first time I saw it from you too. You attemped wire frames before, but you gave up on it since it failed.
mm very nice! i like how they look alot! honestly, at first, i didn't like Jugg's as much, but now i look closer, its my favourite
ah, yeah, that was kinda a odd stock to work with but I think it came out ok. yeah, text is the main reason I don't like Mace's... Lol, grew on ya huh. Yeah, sorry bout that, its mostly the text that makes me not like it, and its just all around not as strong as the other two. updated!
hey guys she updated with like three new sigs!!! i love mine!! and great job on the creative text i guess you know me pretty well haha... anyways guys, check them out! and ice its going in my sig rotator!
I may redo mace's and yeah, agree with you there. huh? yours is in the running for my favorite, Huntar's and Juggz and close by tho. I'll have this updated tonight or tomorrow with at least one more.
hey ice off the subject but i dont see a sig thread so nice sig! the colours are beautiful! is that you?