Sandbox The Ghetto

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Blue Pariot, May 29, 2009.

  1. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    Blue, Sotha Sil, Mista Tipsta

    Map Name:
    The Ghetto

    Map Canvas:

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    Gang Wars


    Gang Wars on The Ghetto
    Made by: Sotha Sil, Blue, and Mista Tipsta

    What started off as a late night joke, The Ghetto turned into a full blown, 5-hour forging session between me, Sotha Sil, and Mista Tipsta. Sotha and I were joking around in the Crypt and started placing down a bunch of blocks to make a "city." We decided that this could actually make a pretty funny map and gametype, so we actually started doing some real forging. Me and Sotha Sil layed downed the "city" and we made Mista Tipsta make every box spawn randomly, such as AZN's Paradox (I told you I stole your map, AZN!). We told Mista Tipsta that nobody cared about him nearly 500 times and he finally went to bed. Me and Sotha spent another two hours working on the map and gametype and finally Gang Wars on The Ghetto was born...

    The Map


    This is the map without any randomization on. As you can tell, it is very confusing and cluttered, which is why we decided to randomize everything. It adds a little more space during the game and provides a lot of long streets and interesting angles. It may look small from the screenshots but believe me, it is very large and extremely confusing.

    The map is split into two sides; a red side and a blue side (No gang-related pun intended... well maybe just a little). Sotha then went in and split the map into 8 sections, or "hoods," by placing down territories. We also threw in four deployable covers to help with those intense firefights.

    The Game

    The point of the game is to control the most territories by the end of the round. The custom gametype, Gang Wars, is essentially SWAT Magnums and Land Grab combined. It takes 10 seconds to capture a territory, but you must decided if you should stay at your territory and protect it from opposing gangs, or move out in search of more territory. There are three rounds, each 3 minutes long, and it a quest for the most territory. We strongly urge using this game with a full party, seeing as how it is a big map. You can play a regular 8v8 game, or you can even split off into four teams of four, etc. Trust me, the spawns will hold.


    My "park" is something that will always remain in the same place. Use this as a landmark when trying to find your way around


    Sotha's "Town Square" is a also a useful landmark. It is directly in the middle of the map and the tower can be spotted from most areas of the map

    I don't have a lot of screenshots of the map because there's not a lot to show. Gameplay should be up soon.​
  2. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    When I first saw the picture it made me laugh (not in a bad way), I do not think I have ever seen anything like this before on sandbox. The gametype that goes with it looks well thought and if the spawns hold then big party games on this would be awsome, you have my dl and I will edit my comment later on the gameplay!
  3. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    Great idea, I especially like the random box system. However, the maps seems a little too confusing, with the only landmarks being the park and the town square. What about adding bridges, or stack two doubles boxes on eachother to make skyliners. Also, it seems to be very close combat orientated, which can make the map repetitive. Adding two main streets that cross eachother in the center may be a good idea. But these are just suggestions, and I must ad that I didn't play the map yet. Anyway, have fun and keep forgin'!
  4. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    More pictures would be nice. looks actually quite interesting and original if not well forged. i have downloaded it to try it out. looks like a fun custom game with the SWAT magnums etc. and i like the whole mazish feel.
  5. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    This is a really unique idea, I like how you encorperated territories into this so you know where to go. The golf cup looks like a park in the middle of a city and the unique objects scattered around add variety and landmarks. The random system means you probably will never play the same game twice. Lots of new ideas incorperated on this map. Kudos to you.
  6. mista tipsta

    mista tipsta Ancient
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    hahhaha I helped!
    Blue, at the top is says
    Blue, Sotha Sil, Mista Tipsta"
    my name isn't to be capitalized, ever..

    Though i never saw the finished product, i saw nearly everything that was to see... i think.

    Other than that, i really enjoy making maps with other people. Its way more fun that just sitting around all by your self.

    P.S. Yes this is the same exact thing i said on
  7. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    We wanted it to be confusing like a big city. We took great inspiration from AZN FTW's Paradox, which was the first randomized map made on Sandbox.

    SWAT Magnums, Flag Rally, 10 second capture time...

    I honestly didn't think it was that confusing of a concept.
    #7 Blue Pariot, May 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  8. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    yeah, this does look VERY confusing. for being as random and quickly thrown together as it is, i have to say that it is also very original (i dont think anyone else has had the balls to make something like this and and actually post it to forgehub). late night forge sessions definitely are the shiz :).
  9. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    Wont all of them spawn after 3 minutes automatically though? You can only set an object not to spawn for a certain amount of time right?

    If i am wrong then nice job, but otherwise thats a problem.
    #9 Mental, May 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  10. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    Yes, every object spawns after three minutes. If you read the post, though, you would have noticed that there are three rounds, each three minutes long.

    Read, then play, then post.
    Thank you.
    #10 Blue Pariot, May 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 29, 2009

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    Sweet. Nice job on making everything random. Keep up the great ideas. Maybe u should add one or two more landmarks for navigation.
    #11 ZOMBIECOW11, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  12. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    It was more a question of how the random spawn system works then if your game was flawed... maybe it didnt sound that way but i was just curious. Also i wasnt interested enough to download and try. Sorry.

    (the problem i was referring to was that you cant use any gametype you want unless you make the time limit 3 minutes) which is kind of restricting in my oppinion, especially on such a big/maze-like map.
    #12 Mental, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  13. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    haha thats pretty funny. crips and bloods battle it out on this confusing, yet fun map.

    i can see it now. grats. what would be cool tho is if you added some weapons. not too many but just enough to spice it up a little. but also make them random so it will be all different.
    For people who just look at the pictures then play id suggest getting some pics of you on the "streets" so you get the feel of how big the "buildings" actually are.

    i played this map with 8 people and we found it pretty entertaining. Only problem was at the begining it was hard to navigate but then we started getting the feel for it and that made it a lot easyer. Everyone agrees that there should be some weapons on the map so you have even more diveresty. Such weapons that could be added:
    -snipers. (funny as it seems sometimes there are long stretches and it left some players wishing there was a long range weapon)
    -rockets. (to take out groups easyer, and to add another distance weapon)
    -sword. would be too powerful in this so i suggest leaving it out if you put weapons on this map. Since it is mostly close range it would be very broken.
    -any other UNSC weapon that you see is fit. Dont use covenant tho because that would ruin the real life city affect (unless you dont want it to be like that)

    a side note: add some ways so players can get on top of these buildings? this would mix it up a little and would make traveling much easyer.

    a solid map. very fun to play on after you get used to the ever changing city.
    great job ill give it a 4/5
  14. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    I'm honestly not here for downloads. I could care less if you didn't download my map.

    And yes, you can't use any gametype you want. That is why there is a custom gametype to go with this map.


    I read over your little review and I have taken some of your suggestions into consideration. All the power weapons, excluding the sniper rifle, wouldnt really work good here. We may throw in some BR's and SMG's, though, to spice up the gameplay a little bit. Im not sure how giving immediate "roof access" would affect the game but I can still try. Thank you for your comments.
    #14 Blue Pariot, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  15. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    Honestly, I love the concept, and the randomness seems to help the map, rather than ruining it. I also like the idea for the custom gametype, that fits the map perfectly. One thing, though: You might want to take Darksoullll's suggestion and add a few SMGs and maybe a BR, to add a little variety. Not a lot of them, maybe just a BR in the center and a SMG in each quarter. Apart from that, this seems to be as flawless as it can get, and I look forward to playing it when my 360 gets back from repairs. 5/5.
  16. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    this would make an excellent lazertag/paintball map but you gametype is cool to could you send me a friend request lunchin4 i want to play on it with you cuz i suk at getting games together.

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